Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

Psychiatry defines depression or major depressive disorder as a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act, causing feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed.

Usually the cause of depression within the medical field is attributed to an imbalance in the brain’s chemistry and is treated with antidepressants. But is there more to depression than this? Is the imbalance of the person’s brain chemistry the root cause of depression or simply another symptom of something much deeper?

What Psychologists and Psychiatrists Won’t Tell You About Depression

Many depressed people are brilliant people. In fact, some manic depressives have contributed in genius knowledge, art and wisdom to humanity as a whole. From Abraham Lincoln to Charles Dickens and even Beethoven were thought to suffer from depression.

Even when it comes to people who have contributed priceless spiritual wisdom we can find multiple examples of depression. Take for example two of the greatest spiritual teachers of our time, Byron Katie and Eckhart Tolle. Both of them have shared how before their moment of auto-realization they were struggling with severe states of depression and anxiety.

This is not a coincidence. Depression often indicates that a person and their Soul evolution is ready to awaken into deep level of minds and higher levels of consciousness.

The Mind and Depression

What many people are unaware of is that the mind can be very clear in a state of depression. This is because the kundalini energy is moving up the spine and into the brain.

When you look at it this way you realize that depression is not always a bad thing.

Often counselors and psychotherapist who do not acknowledge or understand the spiritual side of depression want the person to become emotionally happy again (a happiness that is based on societal standards), which equates to lowering and forcing the kundalini energy back down to the first chakra and happily engaging in social consciousness again.

This is the very predictability of emotional drama that the Soul wants to evolve out of. The soul of a depressed person wants to experience true joy which comes from awakening and tapping into the higher chakras (4th and above).

Emotional Resistance

However, in order to get back to social consciousness again we have been taught to resist and suppress “negative” emotions. This is exactly what depression is, the suppression of emotions.

Emotions in their natural state are energy in motion (e-motion) and whenever we suppress an emotion we are hindering the natural flow of that life force energy. The emotion then becomes a stagnated energy that we store somewhere in our auric field and physical body.

This is the reason why we continue to re-experience past emotional pain and keep projecting that pain into the present moment. And every time we do this, once again we prevent our bodies from feeling/sensing the “negative” emotion” and thus continue to add more layers to that unresolved emotion. Ultimately we create identities around these emotions and their corresponding thought-forms, attitudes and beliefs.

The Polarizing Effect of Suppressing Emotions

As long as you resist an emotion you will get caught up in a game of polarity and you will experience both sides of the polarity:

I must be loved/ I cant be loved
I am loved/ I am not loved
I am confident/ I am not confident
I am in control/ I am not in control
I am worthy/ I am unworthy
I am a fighter/ I must surrender
I must forgive/ I can’t forgive

Most human beings are emotional addicts and have experienced both sides of each polarity. For example, lets say you love someone from a state of polarity, at some point you will also experience hatred. This is why most relationships end in malice, bitterness and discontent.

There is a big difference between the polarity based love and the love from your God Self, your Higher Self which is a higher giving love, an allowing and sublime love.

In order to experience true joy and bliss you require to feel, sense and transmute these unresolved “negative” emotions. This state of allowance enables your nervous system to process the emotions and bring about a more harmonious flow of energy that ultimately leads to the transformation of that emotion.

Feeling: The Key To Being Present

What many people don’t know is that feelings of fear, anxiety, stress or sadness can become entry points to greater states of consciousness. You cannot think yourself present, you can only feel present. Whenever you feel/sense your emotions you are ONE with the NOW, you are truly present.

However, be aware that feeling/sensing your emotions is NOT the same as DRAMA-tizing or acting out your unresolved emotions of anger, fear, worry, pain, despair, etc.

Your body can sense/feel a “negative” emotion and at the same time feel wonder, gratitude and even self-love for playing the game of consciousness of fear, sadness or whatever the emotion is. This is a way to cultivate the witness consciousness, but instead of witnessing with the mind you are witnessing with the body through feeling and sensation.

When properly done, the processing and transmutation of emotions will lead to a shift in consciousness and calibration of the energy that makes up the auric field. Often this will feel like the energy is moving through your body and up the spine, opening the crown chakra and allowing the you to sense an endless state of expansion.

In this state your mind is very clear and you have access to deep wells of creativity and genius. Manifestations abilities are heightened and you are able to manifest in shorter periods of time. Each time you properly process and unwind an emotion, a void or a new opening emerges within you, creating a space for your Higher Self to be able to infuse you with new cords, new soul templates and new soul programming.

On the contrary, if you don’t process or transmute these unresolved emotions the polarity of their energy can create karmic loops where you will continue to experience the same patterns and dynamics. The frequency of these unresolved emotions will magnetize you to the people, places, times, things and events that resonate with that unresolved energy.

How To Transcend Depression

We are all unique individuals and the root cause of depression might vary from person to person. If the traditional approaches of psychology and psychiatry haven’t worked for you and you are still feeling depressed then you might benefit from:

  1. Meditation – helps boost dopamine, activate the pre-frontal cortex and balance brain hemispheres
  2. Soul retrieval – clearing soul fragments related to the source of depressed mental states
  3. Plant medicines (Ayahuasca, cannabis, mushrooms)*
  4. Finding and fulfilling your Soul’s Purpose – this is what your Soul is actually seeking.
  5. DNA Activation – helps you embody your Higher Self
  6. Yoga – your body was built for movement and yoga inversions are known to be great for dealing with depression.

Make sure you read my blog post on the 5 Steps to Authentic Happiness for more tips on how to cultivate a lasting state of happiness.


Gustavo Castañer

*When taking plant medicines please make sure they are legal in the country/state you are taking them and you take them with the guidance of a qualified expert in the use of such medicine.

P.S.: If you are suffering from suicidal thoughts please contact immediately a suicide prevent hotline like https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ or if you are outside the US please Google to find one in your country. Suicide is never a solution to your problems.