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Try In-Light-ment Level 5
for 21 days

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Here's What You'll Get

Free access for 21 days to the In-Light-Ment 3.0 Level 5 Rishi Certification

Session 1 - Learn the minute details about Auric Attachments 

Session 2 - Learn how we clear auric attachments using the Harmonic Resonance Codes and receive an Auric Clearing session.

About Your Host

Gustavo Castañer

I'm thrilled to help catapult your spiritual evolution with these powerful healing sessions.

Customer Testimonials

"This is hands down the best healing certification I've taken in my life. I've had years worth of AHA moments and healings throughout your course and I'm not even halfway through! Your codes are extremely powerful and so easy to use, plus my clients love them 🙂

 Thank you so much for everything."

Natalie E.

Terms and Conditions

What happens when I sign up for the 21 day trial?

As soon as you sign up you'll receive an email with your login details. Inside the members area you'll find the sessions, which will become available on a weekly basis. 

You will get access to the following sessions during your 21 day free trial:

SESSION 1 - Learn the minute details about Auric Attachments: how they are created, how they look like, how they affect you, the different types of auric attachments and more.

SESSION 2 - Clearing auric attachments and getting to know the healing protocol.

After the 21 days, if you continue your membership you'll get access to the following sessions:

SESSION 3 - Putting it All Together - How To Perform a Full Session

SESSION 4 - Receiving a copy of the Harmonic Resonance Codes

After the Auric Attachments Clearing Certification you will continue with the Karma Removal Certification and the other certifications included in the Rishi Level

What happens on the 21th day of the trial?

If you choose to continue with your Rishi Level membership you will pay the first installment of $396 and you'll continue to receive/access the new practitioner certification sessions.

Each month you'll continue to pay $396 for continued access until you complete all 10 certification modules or until you cancel.

Does the trial include access to the monthly live webinar?

No, only paying subscriptions can access the live webinars. After the end of your 21 day trial, when you continue your membership you'll be able to attend the live webinars.

How do I cancel?

To cancel your trial please send me an email to gustavo@in-light-ment.com at least 24hrs before the end of your trial. 

I will cancel your membership and send you a confirmation email of your cancellation. 

After the trial ends, you can cancel at any time and you'll continue to have access to the certifications you paid for.

Refund policy

You have 21 days to cancel your trial (please read How do I cancel? above). If you fail to cancel your trial and your payment goes through there will be no refunds. 

Please make sure to cancel your free trial if you do not wish to continue your membership.

If you choose to continue your membership you'll be charged $396 every month until you cancel or complete the entire Rishi Level (10 months duration). 

You can cancel at any time to stop any further payments. However, if the payment goes through there will be no refunds.

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