With the expansion of awareness that comes with DNA Activation, a person begins to tap into higher levels of consciousness. The Higher Self is always sending messages and signs your way. How these signs and messages manifest will differ form person to person based on their frequency and what higher senses they have activated.

However, if a person lacks the necessary receptors and antennas to first of all detect such data coming in and then to correctly process the data, the guidance will be lost or mis-interpreted.

The vast majority of the people on this planet make 95% or more decisions solely based on their Ego consciousness. Decisions that are stained with the frequencies of fear, lack, limitation, scarcity, competition, shame, mistrust, etc.

Making Decisions In Line With Your Higher Self

As you progressively activate your DNA and start embodying your Higher Self you’ll become aware of a whole new range of possibilities and opportunities. From small everyday decisions to really important decisions, your Higher Self is providing you with the best possible options that are aligned with the highest version of yourself and in line with your Soul’s Purpose.

Each decision that you make in line with your Higher Self creates a ripple effect in the quantum field of reality, magnetizing and materializing higher frequency probable futures. The opposite is also true, the more decisions you make based on your Ego consciousness and mis-aligned with your Higher Self the more low frequency probable futures you will tend to attract.

Ultimately the key to ascension is to align as many of your choices as you can with your Higher Self and Source-WILL.

And because your Higher Self operates in realms which are not limited by time nor space, in realms where unity consciousness prevails, realms where abundance is your birthright and love is the supreme source of guidance, the more decisions you make in line with your Higher Self the more you will vibrate in these frequencies.

Manifesting From The Ego Vs. The Higher Self

A person who is stuck in 3D consciousness will experience life as a constant struggle where conflict abounds and things constantly don’t go their way. A life lived from Ego consciousness seems hard and it’s driven by the forces of fight and flight.

The Ego tries hard, pushes and is constantly striving to make things happen. These are very Yang energies and although they can be effective for manifestation they often lead to chaos when they are out of balance.

On the other side of the spectrum is the Higher Self.

A person who manifests from their Higher Self utilizes the perfect balance of Yin and Yang energies. The world is experienced as a wondrous place filled with limitless opportunities for creation and expression of the Self. The person is ONE with reality and can enter with ease the flow of the Uni-verse by adapting to and embodying the Universal Laws.

The Higher Self manifestation process is a game that can be enjoyed without worry or stress. Utilizing the Yin energies the person creates voids which the universe must fill with new brilliant potentials. And when it is necessary the person takes inspired action and takes advantages of the Yang energies to put things in motion.

Light Accretion and Bio-Energetic Field Expansion

The more decisions you make in line with your Higher Self the more light you can accrete into your morphogenetic field. Simply put, whenever you make a decision that is aligned with your Higher Self you receive a download of Life Force energies.

And because the dormant strands of your DNA that correspond to your Higher Self have been activated you can now HOLD that light. The more light you can hold the bigger your field of energy becomes and the light-er you feel.

The more expansive your field becomes the more you can include IN your field of consciousness. And thus the process of enlightenment or in-light-ment as I like to call it, allows you to become more and more until you are ONE with every-thing.

Unfortunately our innate impulse to expand and become more has been confused with “having” more. Have you ever wondered how is it possible that multi billionaires still want to make more money and acquire more things? They are simply confused, they are misinterpreting their Divine Blueprint to become more with having more.

How Would Your Life Be Like If……?

Just imagine how would your life look like and feel like if you started making every decision in line with your Higher Self.

You would most likely manifest:

  • 1

    A Vibrant and Higher Loving Relationship

    Your Higher Self knows what relationships is the best possible relationship for you. You could in fact already be in that relationship but if you are making decisions based on your Ego you can possibly destroy that relationship. Your Higher Self can help you attract such a relationship or transform it if you are already in it.

  • 2

    Emotional Mastery

    Your Higher Self will bombard your awareness with new thoughts, attitudes and belief systems. Instead of constantly being in a state of re-action you can interpret and process people, emotions and events in a whole new light.

  • 3


    Your Higher Self can guide you to manifest and embody a state of absolute abundance no matter what your life conditions may be. The Ego is stuck on what is "possible" or "realistic", your Higher Self can manifest in ways you can't even imagine!

  • 4

    Vibrant Health

    Your Higher Self can easily guide you to the people, places, times, things and events that will transform your health.

  • 5

    Soul Purpose Fulfillment

    Your Higher Self cannot only let you know what your Soul's Purpose is but it can provide the necessary steps and tools you'll need to fulfill your mission.

This has been my experience, every single area of my life has been brilliantly transformed because of the guidance of my Higher Self. And now it’s part of my mission to help others have the same experience by assisting them embody their Higher Self.

DNA Activation Practitioner Certification

The DNA Activation Certification and Training will consists of 6 sessions plus the bonus trainings.

Participants will learn the minute details of DNA blockages, implants, DNA Strands, the multidimensional anatomy and more. For each activation you will receive a step by step protocol and the codes required for such activation. Participants will also get to practice the activations on themselves and other students.

Here is a summary of the DNA Activation Certification Sessions:

  • 1

    Unnatural Implants Removal

    Participants will learn how to clear unnatural implants and seals that block DNA Activation and higher dimensional awareness. Many of these implants are ancient and are picked up by every soul that passes through the Earth's grids at the time of incarnation. Other implants are from the matrix placed by different technologies to keep you in a low frequency fence.

  • 2

    DNA Activation Incarnate and Soul Identities

    In this session we will work with the first set of Harmonic Resonance Codes. The first code will be used to clear DNA Blockages on ALL levels of awareness. The 2nd code will be used to restore the 1st three strands of DNA to their Original Divine Blueprint (vibrant health, emotional mastery and liberated mind). And finally the 3rd code will be used to activate strands 4, 5 and 6 in order to start accessing your Soul Identity and Superconscious mind.

  • 3

    DNA Activation Over-Soul and Avatar Identities

    In these session we will work with codes to activate strands 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. We will discuss the minute details of your Over-Soul and Avatar Identities. Participants will learn about the star systems associated with levels of identity among other fascinating factors.

  • 4

    Golden DNA Activation for the Rishi Identity

    In this training session participants will receive a Golden DNA Activation to embody the frequencies of their Rishi self. This identity is known for unity consciousness and represent the highest level of individuation within this 15th dimensional time matrix. Participants will also experience an extremely powerful visualization with this activation.

  • 5

    Bonus 1: Heart Chakra Opening Training ($333 value)

    In this training we will focus on clearing the heaviest energy blockages that affect the heart chakra (guilt, betrayal, judgment, resentment, etc,). After that we will works with a series of Harmonic Resonance Codes to help you activate and open your heart charka to its highest energy holding potential. I will also share my daily practices to enter the state of heart resonance.

  • 6

    Bonus 2: Yin and Yang Manifestation Training ($333 value)

    In this training I will share my most powerful techniques for manifestation. We will explore the difference between using Yang and Yin energies for manifestation and I'll give you specific tools/techniques to manifest with each energy. In this training you will learn how to bend the matrix and manifest IN LINE with your Higher Self. We will also be activating some Harmonic Resonance Codes for manifestation.

  • 7

    Bonus 3: Indigo Activations and Training ($333 value)

    This is a two part training series with more than 5 hours of content where you will learn the minute details about Indigos: their true origin, the different types and their unique missions. And of course receive a series of DNA Activations with codes specifically created for Indigos.

  • 8

    Bonus 4: Private Session With Me ($197 value)

    After the certification is complete you will be able to to schedule a 30 mins. private session with me. During this session I can answer any questions you may have about the certification, practice the protocol or even perform some clearings and activations for you.

This training is going to be so powerful that your frequency will skyrocket each week of the training. Get ready to see and experience some massive and brilliant changes in many areas of your life as we go through the training and even more afterwards as you integrate these sessions and continue to do the work.

This is a very advanced certification and the tools you will be give will serve as portals for an ascended way of living. You will have the opportunity to help others activate their DNA, open their heart and manifest in line with their Higher Self.

I have been doing this work now for over 12 years and it only keeps getting better.

See you in the training!



Q: How much is the investment?

A: For a limited time only this training will be offered for 1,987 (Regular price $3000)

Q: I cannot attend all the live sessions, can I still get certified?

A: Yes! You’ll be able to watch the recordings and catch up. Even if you cannot attend even one live training due to time differences or prior commitments, you can still complete the certification watching the recordings. And remember, you’ll get a private session with me.

Q: Will I be able to do this work for others?

A: Absolutely! This is a practitioner certification which means you’ll be able to facilitate the exact activations we will go over the training. You’ll have a PDF file with all the necessary information and the step by step activation protocol.

Q: Is this the equivalent of the Soul Alchemist Level 2?

A: YES! But it has new added material like the heart opening training and the Yin and Yang manifestation training. And if you are a member of the Soul Alchemist Level 2 this training is included in your membership. Please log in to the Soul Alchemist Level 2 members area and click on the link to register.