Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

Since the inception of male dominated religions, their agenda for control has included a strategy to diminish the expression of the Divine Feminine. This strategy had the intent to strip humanity of the Divine Feminine power innate within all of us and thus greatly hinder the experience and embodiment of the full Divine expression of Source.

Another adverse effect male dominated religions had on humans was creating a power struggle between men and women. The strategy of divide and conquer worked like a charm and now men and women are constantly fighting each other instead of uniting forces.

Men continue to be affected by these religious indoctrinations and continue to play the role of a dominating, abusive and controlling man. Women have been regarded as less than and men have treated them as inferior beings, usually to impress other men. Of course this behavior has a karmic consequence for any man who chooses to partake in it.

Losing The Women You Love

When men fail to love, respect, cherish and honor women they will sooner or later lose a woman they love, causing them an immense pain. This woman could be a mother or partner, but regardless of who the woman is, the man who embraces these male dominating attitudes will experience a massive heartbreak.

As you are aware, women have an equal place here in humanity and the power of the Divine Feminine is beyond anything that you can imagine. Men who think that controlling and governing women is a man’s rightful place are men that will experience a lot of heartbreaks in life.

This is the karmic pattern of loosing the woman you love.

Usually this karmic consequence is repeated throughout many lifetimes and will continue to repeat itself until the man surrenders to the Divine Feminine and own this as wisdom. In order to own something as wisdom the man needs to must understand that being a woman is often very difficult and sometimes the only way to do this is to incarnate as a woman in another lifetime.

Outdated Expectations

Think about it, women are expected to:

  • Always be subservient to men
  • Hide their genius to pacify men
  • Follow orders, do what men want and please them

And even when women do their best to please a man, he often leaves her to raise their children alone while he goes with another woman. Simply put, being a woman is being faced with the worst kind of prejudice. In many countries to this day many women are treated as slaves to satisfy men for sex and to make them look important to other men.

Only small percentage of men are interested in a woman’s mind, while the rest simply want a wife so that they can have a mother that takes care of them, cooks and cleans for them, a servant basically. On top of that they want a woman who always looks stunning, doesn’t change and is always available for sex.

How To Step Up As A Man

What we are required to know as men is that women are creators, when they are loved and respected their creativity blossoms.  In order to break this pattern we must let go off the attitude and behavior of dominating women, and showing them very little love and respect.

If you treat a woman with the same respect that you would like to have and actually pay TRIBUTE to her what will happen is that your Higher Self will send you a WISE, LOVING and WONDERFUL woman.

In order to do this you need to constantly:

  • Heal, grow and evolve as a man
  • Embrace vulnerability
  • Learn to truly listen
  • Embody a state of openness and flexibility when necessary
  • Embody your masculinity in a balanced way and know when to use both masculine and feminine energies

When your Higher Self sees that you deserve to have a great woman it will send you one and you must deserve her if you desire her to stay in your life and not lose her.