Once in a while I’ll get an email from someone asking me about psychic protection and/or energy depletion. Here is one I received a while ago:

“Hi Gustavo.

I’ve often heard that healers risk depleting themselves, if they don’t take care of themselves before and after healing sessions.

Besides performing your own energy healing on yourself on a spiritual level, what are the top resources and rituals you do in order to avoid getting depleted before, during and after sessions?”

How to best protect yourself as an energy healer

It’s quite common for many spiritual teachers and energy healers to practice some sort of protection technique when doing any type of energy work. For many it’s something that must be done even when not doing energy work as they might pick up negative energies from places, people, things and events.

To be honest I don’t practice psychic protection anymore, at least not in the way most people do it.

The reason I don’t partake in psychic protection rituals is because I have raised my frequency enough and built my auric field integrity to the point where there is no need to protect myself.

Simply put, what doesn’t resonate with my field of consciousness won’t stick.

Therefor the best way to “protect” yourself is to raise your frequency and maintain it at such a level so that it’s impossible for any low frequency energy to have a negative effect on your field of consciousness.

This is an application of the Universal Law of Resonance.

Although the answer might look simple it actually took me a while to FULLY transcend the belief that I needed to protect myself.

The hidden frequency behind protection

When I started to study, practice and EMBODY the Universal Laws I had a huge revelation when contemplating the Law of Oneness…

“If we are all ONE and everything is a different manifestation or expression from that same energy/consciousness, what am I really protecting myself from?”

Behind the belief that you need to protect yourself lies a great fear, the fear that we are separate and that you are not safe.

This “spiritual” belief that we need to protect ourselves has huge ramifications as it creates a series of karmic imprints that sabotages and decelerates our spiritual evolution.

And that is why it took me quite sometime to unwind and transmute all the energetic repercussions this belief had on my consciousness and energy field.

The negative ramifications of psychic “protection”

When someone believes that they need to protect themselves there is usually a set of energy blockages that are intricately connected to this belief and keep it alive.


This is possibly the biggest energy blockage that keeps many energy healers and empaths stuck in the psychic protection karmic loop.

If you have open portals, even if you believe that we are all ONE and that you don’t need to protect yourself, you will unconsciously pick up discordant energies from people, places, times, things and events.

Closing portals is the number one priority to be able to transcend the belief that you need to protect yourself and finally be able to maintain the integrity of your auric field.


Anytime we blame an outside source for how we feel we are giving away our personal power.

The need to practice psychic protection stems from another belief that something else or someone else can overpower you and negatively affect you. Other people or entities then become the tyrants of your story.

No one can affect your inner emotional, mental and spiritual state, unless they have your permission. Only you can give them that privilege.

Of course people do not willingly or consciously give others permission, but they do so unconsciously every time they allow others to control or dictate how they feel at any given moment.

Victims take things personal, blame outside sources for their state and lack personal power.


Defense is the first act of war. The healer who in anticipation protects him/herself, because they fear that if they don’t do this they will suffer, is doing so because of fear. This fear is based in a non-existent future or a past painful experience. Either way the person is not fully present.

The deeper fear here is the fear of separation. The healer who fears an attack or taking on negative energies cannot fully embody the Universal Law of Oneness. They view their field of consciousness as separate from others even though they might believe they are ONE with the universe.

You can’t believe you are one with the universe but separate from others, you can’t have it both ways. Yes, you are an individuation of Source and your morphogenetic field is configured in such a way that you get to play the game of consciousness of individuality and separation. But at a deeper level you are an open, ever flowing and interactive energy system.

However, when you are in fear and do what you can to “close” your energy field, you are entering a state of resistance. This will disrupt the natural, open and organic life force energy flow that you were meant to be in (the one children are in all the time).


This is another persona from the shadow self that is ubiquitous amongst healers.

This behavior can be recognized by the person who desires to “fix” everyone.  They seem to constantly search for what is “wrong” so that they can feel heroic about “fixing” the other person.

If you have the rescuer archetype you will be very vulnerable to other people’s energy because you are not healing from a place of wholeness but instead you are healing from a place of lack and need.

The rescuer feels that if they don’t “help” other people they can’t be at peace or complete. Therefor they are constantly trying to force their healing and ways of being on other people. They tend to attract people who are highly victimized and deep inside don’t want to heal or change.

People with the rescuer archetype can easily create new portals to extract the energy of others in an attempt to rescue them.

When this part of the shadow self is integrated the healer experiences a rebirth through the wisdom that there is nothing they NEED to do. Everything and everyone is exactly where they need to be.

They begin to attract people who practice self-responsibility and accountability. They enter a new state of evolution where they can truly help those who are open to their help and want to change.


A classic example of the attitude of this archetype can be observed in the person who says “But look at all I’ve sacrificed for you!”

Characterized by manipulative and devouring behaviors using care-taking control to smother others. The martyr believes that healing or “saving” others comes through sacrifice. This persona will make a person prioritize others before him/herself, often sacrificing his/her own well being.

Co-dependence and the compulsive need to heal everything /rescue others thrives in people who identify with this archetype. This is another aspect of the shadow self that will unconsciously create portals in order to absorb other people’s discordant energies.

How do you deal with negative energies?

When facilitating a healing session my main intent is to operate from the Law of Oneness, meaning the client and I are one. This approach is key to keep my field in a constant state of open dynamic flow.

From this state I can better perceive and sense the issues my client is presenting. And even though I might sense pain, suffering, anger, frustration or any of the so called “negative” emotions, my state of openness and flow instantly begins to unwind such e-motion.

But if I sense an e-motion and I label it as “bad” or “negative” I am instantly creating a field of resistance. The e-motion will become stagnant and that is where I can run into problems where the energy might linger in my bio-energetic field.

From a state of openness and wonder I am creating a space that invites my client to enter that openness and dynamic flow.

What about people who aren’t your clients and are just negative?

Whenever I find myself dealing with a person who is projecting energies of anger, hate, blame or frustration I continue to remain in a state of openness. By not re-acting to their projections I am successful at not starting a war.

Then something magical happens. Because I don’t take it personal, I don’t react or lash out the other person will do either one of two things:

– He/she will feel her karma and end up apologizing and taking responsibility.

– The person will leave and disappear from my holographic reality.

That being said I also have a warrior spirit. If I do feel that is necessary to express higher compassion I will tell someone that I will no longer tolerate such behavior. And even if I feel angry or frustrated, I don’t resist such emotions but rather use them as entry points to unwind and process them.

Ultimately I always end up in a state of openness and expansion. And having to protect myself becomes irrelevant.

Build your auric field immunity

If you want to create an energetic field that is immune to undesirable energies you must:

1) Question the belief that you need to protect yourself.

2) Close any open portals.

3) Clear soul fragments and karmic imprints related to victimization.

4) Clear soul fragments and karmic imprints related to fear.

These are the most important steps to take in order to build up your auric field’s integrity and transcend the karmic loop of being at the mercy of energies “outside” of you.

Next Tuesday I will be hosting a training where I will be teaching participants how to clear auric attachments. This includes learning how to close portals and how to transmute the heaviest type of soul fragments called occupants.

Practitioners will learn how to scan the chakra system and identify where different types of soul fragments are found in the bio-energetic system. For example, they will learn how to clear occupants related to fear and victimization.

The investment for the training is 497 and includes over 5 hours of training.

Click here to register: Auric Attachments Clearing Mastery Training.

Looking forward to helping you awaken the ascended healer within you!

Gustavo Castañer

P.S.: please don’t stop practicing your protection techniques until you feel confident you have reached a state where you can effortlessly process and unwind whatever energy comes your way. In my training I still offer two ways for participants to protect themselves and their clients.

It takes time and work for someone to fully transition to performing energy work from this state of consciousness. The key is to be conscious that there is a higher level of awareness that you can attain.

P.P.S: of course in order to maintain the integrity of your auric field you still need to practice discernment and keep your Ego in check. For example, even though you respect the game of consciousness of drama, fear and victimization some people play, it doesn’t mean you have to become best friends or even engage with them at a professional level.

P.P.P.S: What we are experiencing as a collective race right now can actually be one of the most enlightening life experiences we have been blessed to have. So don’t be surprised if in the end what is unfolding before our eyes brings about a mass awakening and change.


Q: Will I be able to facilitate this work for others?

A: Yes, this is a certification training. My intent is to empower you to do this work for yourself and others. This is one of the session I perform the most because they are the highest priority energetic blockages, if you do not clear auric attachments then any energy healing work you do will not be as deep or will have limited results.

Q: How much is the investment?

A: The investment for this training is only $697 (you get a 29% discount when you sign up for the entire Self Realized Healer 9 Month Certification training).

Depending on how much you charge for your sessions, you can easily recoup your investment by facilitating 3-6 auric clearing sessions or even 1 live webinar/workshop.

Click here to sign up for the Auric Attachments Certification Training.

Q: When does the training start?

A: The training starts on March 15th at 1pm EST and will be broadcasted via Zoom. When you sign up you’ll receive a link to access the live training sessions.

Q: How long will the training be?

A: It’s a 3 part training and will have around 5 hours of content.

Q: Will there be a recording of each session?

A: Yes, if you cannot attend the live training sessions you’ll be able to watch the recordings. You’ll have lifetime access to the recordings, so you can watch them and practice at your own pace.

Q: What will I learn in this training?

A: You will learn the minute details of how energy blockages are created, the different types of auric attachments and where to find them in the energetic body. You will also learn how to sense energy, utilize energy directing techniques and of course clear auric attachments.

Q: What is included in the training?

A: Three recorded trainings. A PDF with all the information so you can study the material. The Harmonic Resonance Code for clearing auric attachments and 2 bonus codes (Avatar 12th Dimensional Protection Field and the Chakra and Aura Harmonious Life Force Flow Harmonic Resonance Code).

Q: When can I start facilitating sessions?

A: At the end of each month you’ll be fully equipped to facilitate a full healing session. That means that you can start recouping your investment right after we finish the first month. Then each month you’ll learn a completely new session which you can add to your session repertoire.

By facilitating 3-6 healing sessions (depending on what you charge) or a single live/online workshop you can recoup your monthly investment. And many of these sessions can be done more than once, each time allowing your client to go deeper and clear heavier energy blockages.