Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

Women all over the world posses an uncanny ability to see right through a man and see his true potential. However, despite constantly making an accurate read of the potential a particular man can have, unfortunately some women can fail to recognize the difference between a man that has potential and a man who is really committed to do the necessary inner work to unleash that potential and embody it.

If He Could Only Change One Thing…He Would Be Perfect

It’s quite common for women to think “He would be perfect if only he could change this one thing.”

Entering the relationship with this mindset, women will expect a man to change a negative behavior or personality trait. Sadly the reality is that few men actually put the effort, focus and energy to constantly change, grow and evolve.

These three things are ESSENTIAL for any couple who desires to progressively connect at deeper levels of body, soul and mind and stay together. Without constant change, growth and evolution the relationship will become stagnant sooner or later and the couple will end up in divorce or living together as roommates instead of lovers.

Yet regardless of this fact, many women will choose to stay with a man for years or even an entire lifetime expecting their husbands to finally step up and change. I have seen many women who are brilliant, kind and with a heart of gold stay with men that no longer attend their emotional, spiritual, mental and physical needs.

Conscious Men: Do They Exist?

Conscious men are indeed a rare breed but they do exist. The key difference in a conscious man is that they will grow and change because it is a priority for them to do so, not only because their partner wants them to.

If a man can’t really listen to a woman, he can’t figure out what her needs are and what he can do to fulfill those needs, he will forever stay the same. On top of that if he lacks the ability to go within himself and see how an issue that is affecting his partner is also affecting him personally, he won’t feel inspired to do the necessary healing and change.

Women’s Greatest Gift and Weakness

So when a woman uses her gift to see a man’s potential but fails to recognize when a man is not committed and willing to unleash that potential, her gift will become her greatest weakness.

However when a woman focuses on working on herself and embodying her own personal power, this can sometimes trigger an awakening call in her partner to step up and change in the highest of ways.

If a man doesn’t change after a considerable amount of time, even after a woman has done the necessary work on herself, chances are he will not change and will hold her back in her spiritual evolution.

Remember, two people can only get together and be together if they have a similar or identical frequency. If a woman is focused on raising her frequency but her partner isn’t, then only way they can stay together is if she lowers her frequency. Read the blog post on The Power of Relationship Frequency for more info on this subject.

In order for you to be with the right person you have to let go of the wrong one.

Staying by a man’s side with hopes that he will one day change is futile and it will only make you numb to your own needs and desires. The right conscious man is ready for every challenge and opportunity to learn, grow, change, evolve and step up as a true warrior.

Get The Man You Truly Deserve

If you desire to be in a relationship with a conscious man who can fully embody his potential then you must have absolute certainty that you can manifest such a man and act accordingly. One simple thing you can do is to clearly share the following things with your partner once the relationship get serious:

  1. What your relationship goals are
  2. Where you see yourself in 5 or 10 years
  3. What relationship behaviors you consider non-negotiable

And simply ask him if he is on board. I remember when my wife sat me down and shared with me the things I listed above. She asked me if I was OK with this, if not then we should simply end the relationship and move on. Most men would panic at this point but I looked her straight in the eyes and told her that I was ALL IN!

She saw my potential and told me what that looked like. Then she asked me if I was willing to do what it was necessary to embody that. Thank god I said yes because my life has only gotten better in every single way.

Eight years later we are still together and honestly more in love than ever, I’m not kidding. We have co-created and consciously designed our relationship. It hasn’t been always smooth and pretty but we were both committed on embodying the best versions of ourselves.

You deserve to be treated like a queen, to be honored and cherished. A man who can see your essence and your heart will do what it takes to become the best he can be. Of course you also have to do your work but the fact that you are reading this means you are already doing so 😉