Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

The Inner Critic is the part of you that judges you, demeans you, and tells you who you should be. It undermines your self-confidence and makes you feel bad about yourself. The inner critic is one of the most difficult and tenacious issues that people face.

There are 7 different types of inner critics. Which one do you have? (Most people have more than one)

Here they are:

1) Perfectionist – always setting high standards that are almost impossible to achieve.

2) Guilt-Tripper – stuck in the past, unable to forgive.

3) Underminer – always undermining you and destroying your self-confidence and self-esteem.

4) Destroyer – always making you feel shameful and sabotaging any attempts towards self-growth.

5) Molder – this critic forces you to fit into a certain mold based on societal, familial or cultural standards.

6) Taskmaker – forces you to work hard and be successful. It fears that you are mediocre or lazy.

7) Inner Controller – tries to control your impulses but is always polarized with an indulger.

No matter what type of inner critic you have identified with the most, they all sabotage your self-esteem, self-confidence and therefor your relationships with other people.

Self-esteem is your birthright.

You deserve to feel good about yourself without having to earn it. However, we’ve all had the experience of feeling bad about ourselves. Think of those times when you felt down and believed that you were worthless, stupid, incompetent, etc.

That wasn’t the truth about you; it was a message from your Inner Critic.

The inner critic represents a huge blockage towards experiencing true intimacy in a relationship, including the relationship you have with yourself. The inner critic also sabotages your manifestation abilities when it comes to:

  1. Financial abundance and wealth.
  2. Health
  3. Spiritual progression

Transcend Your Inner Critic

Your inner critic usually spawns from two source:

  1. The karmic imprints that you inherited from your parents from THEIR inner critic.
  2. Intense emotional events you experienced as a child.

No matter the source, the inner critic is composed of soul fragments, thought-forms and unresolved emotions. When you energetically clear and disengage these energetic blockages you free yourself from the inner critic.

If you don’t know how to do this you can schedule a private session with me and I’ll help you transmute the energetic blockages related to the SOURCE of your inner critic.

And if you are a certified Soul Alchemist Level I practitioner then you can use the Karma and the Shadow Self Integration Harmonic Resonance Codes to clear all the soul fragments and karmic imprints related to your inner critic.

Much love,

Gustavo Castañer