The Shadow Self is one of the most iconic subjects within the spiritual community. There are countless teachers and books talking about this, yet most of them do not fully explain the actual source of how the Shadow Self manifests and operates.

Most people have heard of their “dark side” or Shadow Self and think that it is a part of them that they hide to the public and that often “pops out” at very inopportune moments. Although this is true, it only scratches the surface of what the Shadow Self is.

Here are some examples of how the Shadow Self of a person can express itself:

1) Saying a careless remark impulsively at a party to a co-worker

2) Deciding to gamble one’s life savings

3) Wanting to smoke a cigarette despite being a health conscious person

4) Saying something hurtful to your spouse that will be regretted later

5) Being unfaithful to the love of your life and sabotaging what was a beautiful relationship

6) Making progress in your finances, relationships or spiritual path and then all of a sudden going back to old/destructive habits.


Often it’s easier to spot the sabotaging effects of the Shadow Self in other people. Just pick up a magazine or watch the daily news and you’ll see how celebrities and other public figures are constantly destroying themselves and their careers.

The Shadow Self is not just an archetype like the Tyrant, the Victim or Compulsive Destroyer that suddenly appears. The Shadow Self is created by reverse fire letter sequences at the quantum energetic level of your DNA Template which were created during multiple lifetimes.

So what happens is that everyone has a part of them that is running in “reverse” due to various distortions in the Earth’s grids and the DNA. Another way these reverse codes are created is by making choices that are not aligned with the Higher Self.

The energy in the DNA is literally running counterclockwise,  not the way the Original Organic Imprint for Health was designed to operate.

Remember the uber talented singer Amy Winehouse or Kurt Cobain from Nirvana? Both of them had what is known as the Sorcerer persona. Here is a brief description of this Shadow Self persona:

As an area of weakness this Persona can be portrayed as one who transforms “better” into “lesser” options. We engage in such patterns when we belittle ourselves (or another), reducing rather than increasing potential, with the effect of reducing our own self-esteem.

The Sorcerer represents that part of us which “creates” illness, disease, and represents the polar opposite of the Christ Consciousness principle. 

Addictions: power, drugs, self-delusion, dishonesty

Goal: transformation

Fear: evil and sorcery

Issue: learn how to effectively transform and transmute

Response: align self with the 12th dimensional aspect of the Higher Self

Virtue: personal power


If a person does not align with their Avatar Self (12th dimensional self), and instead keeps making free-will choices in line with the Shadow Self, then it is not hard to foretell what will happen. It’s just a matter of time before that person self-destructs and causes all sorts of chaos around them.

You probably know many people in your immediate family or social circle that have this persona. When someone has a part of them that is running in REVERSE, then it is understandable how this would create a “dark side” or Shadow Self, and negatively affect their:

– Thoughts
– Beliefs
– Actions
– Behaviors

The Shadow Self acts like a clogged up filter that prevents a person’s true essence from being expressed harmoniously. It also causes a lot of inner conflict and inner turmoil by the constant whirl of negative thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and feelings that are part of the Shadow Self.

Just think about how many brilliant goals, visions and realizations you have had in your life but shortly after found yourself goin down a spiral of self-doubt, diminishment and fear.

The Shadow Self is the biggest culprit when it comes unfulfilled Soul Missions.


These self sabotaging patterns are simply a manifestation from what is going on at the DNA level.

We are electromagnetic beings, everything you experience through your senses is decoded electromagnetically and creates your outer and inner realities.

Your DNA Template is tuned to a particular frequency that allows you to harvest, decode and process the quantum field energies from Source. Your DNA Template is what allows you to experience individuated consciousness and exercise free will.

If you have DNA blockages that are causing the codes of consciousness to run in reverse then your experience of reality will also become twisted and distorted.

Take for example victims. Victims see the world through a victim lens, where outside sources are to blame for their unhappiness. The victim lens blocks them from seeing and experiencing their personal power and ability to co-create reality and willfully bend the matrix.

People who are playing the Victim Persona will have blockages in their 2nd chakra and 2nd DNA strand. These blockages magnetize them to people, places, times, things and events where they feel they are constantly being ATTACKED, rather than consciously CREATING these experiences.


These are all misconceptions caused by twisted energy patterns in the DNA that can be resolved quite easily, saving you 10 years of misery at the psychologist! You cannot simply talk away soul fragments, occupants or shadow self personas.

Yes, awareness is key but how many people do you know that are aware of what their issue is, yet still can’t change and EMBODY more functional beliefs, feelings and behaviors?

If you want to achieve TRUE CHANGE then you require to deal with these energy distortions as energy, WITH energy. We use specific codes and commands designed to permanently transmute these karmic miasmas that spawn the Shadow Self on all levels of your awareness and in line with your Higher Self.

This energy work helps a person truly integrate their Shadow Self and allow their soul to own as wisdom, past experiences that they already learned the lesson from. In this way, the person’s soul can “close the book” on this and the karmic loop that they were in finally comes to a conclusion.


Once you learn about what your Shadow Self is, you can start clearing the source of every negative, non-resourceful action, behavior, or reaction that you have IMMEDIATELY after you have it, therefor clearing the pattern before you go into self-sabotage and discordant choices.

Some people’s Shadow Selves are “running the show” because they have so many distortions in their DNA and the inner conflict they are experiencing makes it extremely difficult to change their patterns. So they keep making free-will choices which are directly against Divine Right Order.

This is allowed (Universal Law of Free Will) but of course they are fracturing off their soul’s energy (Universal Law of Cause and Effect) with each choice and destroying the integrity of the DNA Template even more.

Here the Law of Cause and Effect is not acting as a punishment, but rather as an opportunity to learn from mistakes and be able to make different choices. The problem is that with so much karmic buildup and inner turmoil it becomes extremely to make the right choices.

The good news is that it doesn’t matter how much DNA damage someone has experienced there is ALWAYS a way to FULLY heal and restore it to it’s Original Divine Blueprint.


Once a person stops trying to suppress or hide their Shadow Self, they can begin to accept that part of them, work to reorder it, and then integrate it to become more WHOLE. It’s basically like debugging a program and then inserting a code that works in line with your full potential self.

If you have a buggy program (Shadow Self) you are going to have a certain undesirable OUTPUT (thoughts, behaviors and actions). In order to get a different output, you require a different code. Although books can be like programs that you can install in your consciousness, unfortunately books can’t clear DNA blockages.

But if you are able to clear these reverse codes in your DNA you will be able to install higher consciousness programs way easier because you’ll have the codes to accept, process and run that program.

This is why people will often read books or attend workshops and have huge realizations but then find it really hard to implement and embody what they have learned.


On Wednesday June 10th at 3pm Eastern Time I’m going to be hosting a the first training session of 3 on how to transmute and integrate the Shadow Self.

In the Shadow Self Integration Mastery Training participants will learn the minute details of over 12 different personas related to the Shadow Self but most importantly how to transmute them using the Shadow Self Integration Harmonic Resonance Code.

In this training we will also cover:

– The Fall of Women Complex
– The Male-Female Rift
– The Female Image Complex
– The Failure Guilt Wrath Complex
– The Fear Aggression Sadness Complex
– Rescuer-Victim-Persecutor
– Love and Hate Relationships
– The Traits of Co-dependency

If your ultimate goal is to embody your Higher Self then you must integrate your Shadow Self. This will be a life changing training that will completely change how you perceive and interpret reality.

How you see yourself and others will change forever, in a very good way! The reason why many people get caught up with the Shadow Self of others is because they don’t know is the Shadow Self that is behind the person’s actions.

After this training you will be able to identify the Shadow Self personas in yourself and others. By clearing your own Shadow Self and knowing how the it affects a person’s consciousness you will be able to not get sucked into another person’s dark side.

Click here to register for this certification training.

Looking forward to helping you integrate your Shadow Self!

Founder of In-Light-Ment
and Ascended Relationships


1) Is there a prerequisite for this training?

A: No, you can participate in this training without having taking any other trainings with me. I will teach you everything you need to know in order to effectively transmute DNA blockages and karmic imprints related to the Shadow Self via your Higher Self.

2) Will I be able to facilitate this work for others?

A: Yes, this is a certification training. My intent is to empower you to do this work for yourself and others. You will learn how to effectively identify and clear more than a dozen Shadow Self archetypes and personas for yourself and your clients.

3) How much is the investment?

A: The investment for this training is only $497. If you sign up for the Self Realized Certification which has 7 months left, the price goes down to $333.

Depending on how much you charge for your sessions, you can easily recoup your investment by facilitating 3-6 shadow self integration sessions or even 1 webinar/workshop on this subject.

4) When is the training and how long will the training be?

A: It’s a 3 part training and each training session will be 90-120 minutes long. If you can’t attend the live sessions don’t worry, you’ll have lifetime access to the recordings.

5) What will I learn in this training?

A: You will learn the minute details of how energy blockages are created, the different types of shadow self personas and how to identify them in people. You will also learn how to sense energy, utilize energy directing techniques and of course the energetic blockages that spawn the Shadow Self.

6) What is included in the training?

A: Three training session recordings and a PDF with all the information so you can study the material. Plus you’ll get the Harmonic Resonance Code for integrating the Shadow Self as well as a new code to EMBODY and EXPRESS your LIGHT-SELF.

And of course the recording of all 3 training sessions so that you can re-watch and study them for years to come.

7) Is this the same training as the Self Realized Healer?

A: No. This live training series would only be the one part of the Self Realized Healer 9 Month Certification which consists of:

Auric Attachments Clearing Training (already took place in April)

– Karma Removal Training (already took place in May)

Shadow Self Integration Training – this is the part we are going to be covering during the month of June.

– Mastering the Universal Laws

– Transmuting Fear and Awakening The Power of Courage

– Transcending the Emotional Pain Body

– Becoming a High Functioning Empath

– Heart Chakra Deep Cleanse and Opening Training

By registering to the Self Realized Healer Training you’ll get access to this month’s live training and the following months. If you would like to get access to the Auric Attachments Clearing and the Karma Removal Training please send me an email.


8) How do I register for the live training?

Please click here to register