Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

Artificial Intelligence is coming full force to our world and life will never be the same.

The reality is that no one knows what the true repercussions of Artificial Intelligence will be in our society, some are very optimistic (like Mark Zuckerberg) and others are very wary (like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking).

What we do know is the following:

Artificial Intelligence will happen. Companies like Google, Facebook and DeepSpace are investing billions of dollars in it.

  1. In 10-20 years (some estimate sooner) society as we know it will radically change.
  2. They estimate that robots will take away more than 50% of human jobs. Just by 2026 they expect 1,000,000 jobs to be lost to automation.
  3. And Because a great part of the population will no longer have jobs they will most likely introduce what is known as the Universal Basic Income.


Universal Income will pay everyone an income to cover their food, housing, education and health care*. This is great news as many people will be freed from their wage slave jobs.

However, Elon Musk says that having Universal Income will result in hundred of millions of people looking for their meaning in life. After all, the vast majority of people mostly identify with their jobs. If you ask the average person to tell you something about them they will tell you what they do for a living.

Take away their jobs and you will also take away their purpose.

This is good news, right? Yes and no.

Yes, because millions of people will be forced to look for a deeper and meaningful life purpose.

No, because millions will numb their longing for purpose by consuming more (this is what big corporations want).


Here is where the spiritual healer/guide comes in.

As robots with Artificial Intelligence take away more than 50% of the jobs and people are given an Universal Basic Income, millions of people will be desperately looking for their life/soul’s purpose.

Spiritual healers, guides, coaches and mentors will be in higher demand as the masses begin to look within and dive into their soul’s journey. Chances are that there won’t be enough healers to meet such demand.


Robots will be able to replace an astounding number of jobs. But, robots will never be able to replace anything that has to do with:



No matter how intelligent robots get, they will never have a human soul or an emotional body.

What this means is that any field that requires emotional or spiritual mastery will be irreplaceable. The best thing you can do is get ready right now by becoming a true spiritual healer.

Practice is what makes true masters and to become a master at ANY skill you need years of practice.

Don’t wait for the masses to realize the inevitability of Artificial Intelligence. When this happens a plethora of people will be looking for spiritual guidance and many will also look to become healers/guides but will have little to no experience in this field.


Whether is becoming a healer, counselor/coach, artist, musician, etc. find a field in the emotional and/or spiritual arts that you are passionate about.

Immerse yourself in it and become a master. The level of growth and contribution you will be able to experience in the next few years will be beyond what you can imagine.

If you feel you are a healer at heart then you still have time to take advantage of becoming a Soul Alchemist practitioner and learning how to:

1) Connect to your Higher Self and the Higher Self of other people

2) Scan the light body and remove blockages from all chakras

3) Clear auric attachments (see this article on the 10 problems you can solve by clearing auric attachments)

4) Remove karma from this and past lifetimes

5) Integrate your shadow self

In this training you’ll learn how to become a world class healer and become prepared to guide thousands souls to become more whole and find their life’s purpose.


*Even though they say universal income will cover all of your basic needs, the government will still decide what “basic” is. That means that the quality of food, housing, education or healthcare that you will be able to afford with the universal income will be ultimately decided by the government.

This is another reason why it will be very wise have an irreplaceable job, which salary you can add to the universal basic income so that you can afford the best quality of food, education and health care. I don’t know about you but I would like to continue buying organic food and avoid the GMO’s and junk food that this universal income will most likely be able to cover.