Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

Did you know that approximately 91% of women are unhappy with their bodies and resort to dieting to achieve their ideal body shape?

The problem with this approach is that less than 5% of women naturally possess the body type often portrayed by the media and the fake “beauty” industry.

Even more troubling is the fact that more than 33% of the people who admit to “normal dieting,” will merge into pathological dieting. And roughly 25% of those will suffer from a partial or full-on eating disorder.

A Spiritual Perspective of The Physical Body

Humans are 15 dimensional beings. Each dimension or frequency band of awareness corresponds to a level of mind.

The physical body together with the subconscious mind represents the first level of awareness for human beings. The physical body is connected to your 1st strand of DNA, your root chakra and your merkaba.

And even though you have probably heard the statement “You are not your physical body.” this is not entirely true. Yes, you are so much more than your physical body but your body is still a part of who you are. This level of yourself is a big deal in the first 3 dimensions of consciousness and the incarnation you are currently living in.

The body serves as a vehicle or home to your spirit here in the 3D. As an individuation of Source,  you chose to incarnate in the human form to have a human experience and if you have energetic blockages on your physical body, this will greatly affect your experience here on Earth.

Not to mention that your physical body is one of the three levels that make up your Ego. What are the other two levels? Your emotional body and your mental body.

Simply put, if your physical body is not working properly this will affect your ability to feel and process emotions which will in turn affect the frequency of thoughts you can tune into. Furthermore, distortions in your physical body will have a ripple effect on the more etheric bodies and vice versa.

The Physical Body & The Heart  Chakra

If I were to ask you “From 1 to 10, what is your level of self love?” What number would you say best portrays the way you feel about yourself?

Now let me ask you “From 1 to 10, how much do you love your body?” Is there a discrepancy between both numbers?

It’s very rare for a woman to get to a 9 or 10 because unfortunately most women don’t love their physical body. And as long as you don’t FULLY love yourself, including ALL aspects and levels of who you are then you won’ t be able to embody a state of unconditional self love.

This is a BIG issue and it can have serious spiritual repercussions. Failure to love your body will prevent you from fully opening your heart chakra and activating your 4th strand of DNA.

The heart chakra and the 4th strand of DNA are extremely important because together they are the key to accessing and experiencing the first level of your Higher Self. Unlike your Ego, which is stationed in dimensions 1-3, your Soul Identity is the part of you that exists in dimensions 4, 5 and 6.

Absolute self-love is a requirement to access and properly experience your Soul Identity. The heart is literally the key to the higher levels of your consciousness and the embodiment of your Higher Self.

Body/Self Image

It’s not news that many women struggle with self image. Body issues vary from psychiatric disorders like body image dysmorphia, anorexia and bulimia to obsessively thinking about your body and the food you eat.

I have witnessed many women close to me struggle with body image and self love. One of them was my beloved Jenn.

When I met Jenn 8 years ago she was challenged by the following:

  1. Didn’t feel 100% comfortable in her body.
  2. An obsession with food that often caused her to feel guilty and ashamed.
  3. A constant struggle with wanting losing weight.
  4. Feeling insecure and affected by the opinions/comments of other people.

But as it often happens in life, our greatest challenges become the necessary training four our Soul Mission. And so Jenn was able to recognize the opportunities that her body image issues had to offer.

After all, she had tried the strategies that society has to offer in order to be happy with her body. But no matter what diet she tried, how much exercise she did, how fit she was or even finally achieving her “ideal” weight…she still felt like it wasn’t enough.

She realized the key to this predicament was awaken to absolute self love. Being at peace and fully loving her body as it was/is.

Love Your Body From Crown Chakra To Toe

It’s been an honor to witness Jenn’s journey through self-love and how she has transformed the relationship she has with her body and food. It has been a physical and spiritual transformation for her.

But let me tell you, it wasn’t easy. It took her years of soul searching, research and taking action in order to clear, unwind and heal the:

  1. Family entanglements – generations of women with body image issues.
  2. Societal implants and projections
  3. Past life karmic imprints
  4. Past traumatic experiences

Fortunately throughout the entire journey her Higher Self was guiding her and supporting her. Unbeknownst to her was that her Higher Self was preparing her for her Soul Mission: to assist other women to awaken to ABSOLUTE self-love.

For this reason she has created the Love Your Body From Crown Chakra To Toe holistic program, a program where you will

  • 1

    Align your frequency with higher health

  • 2

    Rebirth in unconditional self-love

  • 3

    Release all body-related emotional baggage

  • 4

    Reprogram your relationship with food

  • 5

    Learn how to never diet again

  • 6

    Break free from self-sabotage and emotional eating

  • 7

    Bring back the joy into moving your body

  • 8

    Manifest a healthier body from the inside out

A Man’s Perspective

I have always been madly in love with Jenn and I have always thought that she is simply gorgeous. That being said, as Jenn began to feel more comfortable with her body and reached greater depths of self love she started to open in many ways.

For example, our level of connection and intimacy grew month after month. She could finally receive and accept all the love I was giving her. And the more her heart was filled with love the more she was able to love me. Sometimes I’m truly in awe and sometimes even overwhelmed by how much love pours from Jenn’s heart.

Yet the most inspiring thing is that Jenn will leave a new legacy to our beautiful daughter that will be born anytime soon. To imagine that Jenn will model what true self love, self confidence and high self-esteem is to our daughter is one of the biggest blessings a child can receive. Our daughter will receive TOTAL love and acceptance from us no matter how she looks.

We are committed to making our daughter feel beautiful, respected and honored as she is at all times. In this way we will be contributing to humanity, creating a new paradigm of:

  • What true beauty is
  • What it is to be a powerful, confident and divine woman
  • What self love really is

Please join us in this crucial mission to awaken women into self-love. It starts with you, with your body and your heart.