One of the most frequently asked questions I get from DNA Activation is “What symptoms or effects can I expect after a DNA Activation?”

In my previous blog post I shared some of the things that unfolded in my life as a result of activating my DNA. So in the next few blog posts I want to share some of the most common results or symptoms you can get from DNA Activation.

What Is Your Level of Awareness?

In order to answer this question first you must know how many levels of awareness you have. The answer lies within your DNA Template.

The Angelic Human race was engineered to have 12 dimensions of consciousness that could be fully embodied. Below are the following levels of consciousness and their respective dimensions:

  • 1

    Level 1 - Incarnate Identity

    The incarnate identity is stationed in dimensions 1, 2 and 3. These levels of consciousness are also known as your Ego and they are composed of the physical body (subconscious mind), the emotional body (instinctual mind) and the mental body (analytical mind). The energy centers related to these levels are chakras 1, 2 and 3 as well as DNA Strands 1, 2 and 3.

  • 2

    Level 2 - Soul Identity

    The soul identity is stationed in dimensions 4, 5 and 6. These levels of consciousness are composed of the astral mind, the archetypal mind and the angelic mind. The energy centers related to these levels are chakras 4, 5 and 6 as well as DNA Strands 4, 5 and 6.

  • 3

    Level 3 - OverSoul Identity

    The Over-Soul identity is stationed in dimensions 7, 8 and 9. These levels of consciousness are composed of the ketheric mind, the monadic mind and the keriatric mind. The energy centers related to these levels are chakras 7, 8 and 9 as well as DNA Strands 7, 8 and 9.

  • 4

    Level 4 - Avatar Identity

    The Avatar identity is stationed in dimensions 10, 11 and 12. These levels of consciousness are composed of the Christiac mind (Christ consciousness), the Buddhaic mind and the Nirvanic mind. The energy centers related to these levels are chakras 10, 11 and 12 as well as DNA Strands 10, 11 and 12.

Your level of DNA Activation will determine how many of these levels you can access and embody. Most of humanity currently has 3.5 DNA Strands activated. This means that they can fully access their Ego consciousness: physical, emotional and mental bodies.

Yet they also have around half of their 4th strand of DNA activated which means they can partially access and experience their astral mind. This translates to being somewhat aware of their dreams but lacking full awareness and control (lucidity), the ability to tap into the astral realm through visualization/imagination and a limited experience of unconditional love (more on this later).

What Lies Beyond The Ego?

The 1st frequency band of awareness that we encounter beyond the Ego would be the astral mind and the heart chakra.

Now pause for a second and ask yourself: “Do you think most humans have their heart charka fully open or partially closed?”

A full activation of the 4th strand of DNA and the heart chakra would mean that a person can fully embody a state of UNCONDITIONAL SELF-LOVE.

Unfortunately this is not the experience for most people, instead they are still struggling with heart chakra blockages like:

  • Resentment
  • Guilt
  • Judgment towards self and others
  • Hatred
  • Anger
  • Betrayal
  • Trust issues

Not only do they have blockages on the heart but most humans constantly have to deal with the inner conflict caused by the blockages found in their first 3 chakras:

  • Fear
  • Pain and suffering
  • Victimization
  • Control issues
  • Scarcity

These unresolved issues and their accompanying soul fragments and karmic imprints keep people stuck in their Ego consciousness. This is the number one reason why humanity is still co-creating a reality filled with war, competition and scarcity.

The Most Important Step To Embodying Your Higher Self

Activating your 4th strand of DNA and opening your heart chakra is the most important step in the journey to embody your Higher Self.

Failure to do this will prevent you from accessing higher levels of consciousness and will keep you stuck in a karmic loop of Ego consciousness.

Presently humans do have limited access to their heart chakra and can get glimpses of what unconditional love and absolute trust feels like.

The closest to an open heart chakra would be the love that parents feel towards their baby. This blissful love that most parents feel in the presence of their offspring is only but a glimpse what true omni-love is.

Let me explain. Although many parents can feel this kind of love towards their child they almost always fail to feel the same level of love towards themselves and even more so towards other people.

But when you start to embody a state of unconditional love you can’t help but feel this love towards yourself and everyone else. Yes, that includes the drunk homeless guy, the mean neighbor or your ex-spouse.

After a series of 4th strand DNA Activations I started to sense/see everyone’s inner child. No matter what a person was doing I could not help to think that once they were an pure and innocent child. And this part still resides within them and I could “see” it.

The more I looked at humanity the more they looked like cute little children who would sometimes throw tantrums, get hurt and still learning how to walk through life.

Now in full transparency I am not saying I have a opened my heart chakra 100%, I still have some work to do but so far the more it opens the more in awe I am.

How Open Is Your Heart?

To determine how open is your heart please honestly answer  YES or NO to these questions:

  1. Do you judge yourself?
  2. Do you feel resentment towards yourself or someone else?
  3. Do you judge others for the things they do?
  4. Do you struggle with feelings of guilt?
  5. Do you feel anger towards others?
  6. Do you hold grudges and have a hard time forgiving someone or people in general?
  7. When someone is mean to you or someone else, do you secretly wish that “karma” teaches them a lesson?
  8. Do you have trust issues?

If you answered YES to more than 6 of these questions your heart chakra is mostly closed. If you answered YES to 3 or more questions your heart chakra partially open. If you answered YES to less than 3 of these questions you have a fairly open heart chakra.

If you answered NO to all of the questions mentioned above you either have a very open chakra or you are in denial about some of these issues 😉 Simply put, if your heart chakra is fully open you wouldn’t even have to think about it. You would be living a completely different reality, one without fear or judgment.

When your heart chakra is very open or fully open you will frequently experience states of bliss, admiration, unconditional love, gratitude and ecstasy to such a degree that it will feel like you are melting or expanding in ways that cannot be described using words.

*And please know that I’m not talking about having these experiences while being in a state of meditation or taking some plant medicine. Opening your heart and feeling blissful under these circumstances although it can be wonderful and life changing is relatively easy compared to having these experiences while being in normal states of consciousness.

I’m talking about having these experiences in spontaneous ways and even in the midst of mundane activities that would make most people react with fear, stress or anxiety.

Open Your Heart and Enter Heart Resonance

In order to fully open your heart charka first you must clear the soul fragments and karmic imprints the block the heart chakra: guilt, anger, resentment, grudges, betrayal, unworthiness, etc. Then you must clear the DNA blockages on your 4th strand of DNA and finally activate the dormant codes within that DNA strand.

For 99.99% of people this is something that will take a while. With each activation the heart will open more and you’ll be able to accrete higher frequencies from your heart chakra and be able to experience them here in the 3D. It’s a beautiful process with every opening causing a great deal of wonder.

Yet to be fully honest the heart can open to infinite levels, so there is not really a point where you can say “Well my heart is fully open now, my work is done.”

Let’s say that there comes a point when you open your heart so much that you will most likely lose your sense of Ego identity and “your” heart will encompass every-thing through eternity…try to wrap your head around that 😉

DNA Activation Certification With Heart Resonance Training

The DNA Activation Certification and Training consists of 6 recorded sessions plus the training bonus sessions.

Participants will learn the minute details of DNA blockages, implants, DNA Strands, the multidimensional anatomy and more. For each activation you will receive a step by step protocol and the codes required for such activation. Participants will also get to practice the activations on themselves and other students.

Here is a summary of the DNA Activation Certification Sessions:

  • 1

    Unnatural Implants Removal

    Participants will learn how to clear unnatural implants and seals that block DNA Activation and higher dimensional awareness. Many of these implants are ancient and are picked up by every soul that passes through the Earth's grids at the time of incarnation. Other implants are from the matrix placed by different technologies to keep you in a low frequency fence.

  • 2

    DNA Activation Incarnate and Soul Identities

    In this session we will work with the first set of Harmonic Resonance Codes. The first code will be used to clear DNA Blockages on ALL levels of awareness. The 2nd code will be used to restore the 1st three strands of DNA to their Original Divine Blueprint (vibrant health, emotional mastery and liberated mind). And finally the 3rd code will be used to activate strands 4, 5 and 6 in order to start accessing your Soul Identity and Superconscious mind.

  • 3

    DNA Activation Over-Soul and Avatar Identities

    In these session we will work with codes to activate strands 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. We will discuss the minute details of your Over-Soul and Avatar Identities. Participants will learn about the star systems associated with levels of identity among other fascinating factors.

  • 4

    Golden DNA Activation for the Rishi Identity

    In this training session participants will receive a Golden DNA Activation to embody the frequencies of their Rishi self. This identity is known for unity consciousness and represent the highest level of individuation within this 15th dimensional time matrix. Participants will also experience an extremely powerful visualization with this activation.

  • 5

    Bonus 1: Heart Chakra Opening Training ($333 value)

    In this training we will focus on clearing the heaviest energy blockages that affect the heart chakra (guilt, betrayal, judgment, resentment, etc,). After that we will works with a series of Harmonic Resonance Codes to help you activate and open your heart charka to its highest energy holding potential. I will also share my daily practices to enter the state of heart resonance.

  • 6

    Bonus 2: Yin and Yang Manifestation Training ($333 value)

    In this training I will share my most powerful techniques for manifestation. We will explore the difference between using Yang and Yin energies for manifestation and I'll give you specific tools/techniques to manifest with each energy. In this training you will learn how to bend the matrix and manifest IN LINE with your Higher Self. We will also be activating some Harmonic Resonance Codes for manifestation.

  • 7

    Bonus 3: Indigo Activations and Training ($333 value)

    This is a two part training series with more than 5 hours of content where you will learn the minute details about Indigos: their true origin, the different types and their unique missions. And of course receive a series of DNA Activations with codes specifically created for Indigos.

  • 8

    Bonus 4: Private Session With Me ($197 value)

    After the certification is complete you will be able to to schedule a 30 mins. private session with me. During this session I can answer any questions you may have about the certification, practice the protocol or even perform some clearings and activations for you.

This training is going to be so powerful that your frequency will skyrocket each week of the training. Get ready to see and experience some massive and brilliant changes in many areas of your life as we go through the training and even more afterwards as you integrate these sessions and continue to do the work.

This is a very advanced certification and the tools you will be give will serve as portals for an ascended way of living. You will have the opportunity to help others activate their DNA, open their heart and manifest in line with their Higher Self.

I have been doing this work now for over 12 years and it only keeps getting better.

See you in the training!



Q: How much is the investment?

A: For a limited time only this training will be offered for 1,987 (Regular price $3,000)

Q: How can I register?

A: Click here to register.

Q: How long will the sessions be?

A: There will be a total of 6 sessions.

Q: Will I be able to do this work for others?

A: Absolutely! This is a practitioner certification which means you’ll be able to facilitate the exact activations we will go over the training. You’ll have a PDF file with all the necessary information and the step by step activation protocol.

Q: Is this the equivalent of the Soul Alchemist Level 2?

A: YES! But it has new added material like the heart opening training and the Yin and Yang manifestation training. And if you are a member of the Soul Alchemist Level 2 this training is included in your membership. Please enter  the Soul Alchemist Level 2 members area and click on the link to register.