Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

Before DNA Activation my life was very different. Actually when I look back, it is almost like watching a completely different character in a drama movie.

Just to give you an idea, in 2007 I wasn’t happy with the way my life was turning out to be, in fact I was miserable and in the brink of falling into another depression. At the time I was just starting a Masters Degree in psychology in the hopes I could better understand myself and help others heal.

From a young age I felt I was put on this Earth to help others heal and ascend in consciousness. Not knowing exactly how to do this I looked at the available and “acceptable” options society had to offer to help others and so I chose to embark on the journey of becoming a psychologist.

However during the first year of my M.D. I realized that most of my professors, who were supposed to be experts on the human psyche, were clueless as to how to help other PERMANENTLY heal. In fact many of them were struggling with anxiety, depression and even substance abuse.

Just like the medical industry doesn’t focus on health but dis-ease, clinical psychology mostly focuses on labeling mental dis-eases not curing them. Needless to say the nature of the soul was never addressed and was even a taboo subject.

I have never felt so out of place in my life. My soul was screaming for change and the massive emotional pain I felt served as a catalyst for me to look for new answers and search for a brilliant path that would take me to the realms of Spirit.

That Was Only The Tip of The Iceberg

My career path was only one of my many struggles. During the same period I was involved in the most destructive and diminishing relationship of my life. The constant drama, co-dependency and games of victim-victimizer were driving me insane and sucking the life force out of me.

Despite knowing with every fiber of my being that I should get out of that relationship I kept coming back to it. I was caught up in a vicious cycle of breaking up and getting back together.

Looking back it makes sense why I ended up choosing that career and why I couldn’t get out of  that relationship. My frequency was extremely low due to my constant worrying, anxiety and stress. All because I felt really uncertain about my future:

  1. My career
  2. My relationship
  3. My ability to manifest abundance

All these things scared the living crap out of me. My future looked very dim and I saw myself giving up on my dreams. The dreams of making a difference, of living a life with purpose, of manifesting a higher loving and conscious relationship, of becoming enlightened and living in a state of constant wonder, gratitude and joy.

The Force of My Dreams Was Bigger Than My Fears

Finally I decided that I needed to do something different. I started devouring every book I could find on spirituality, meditation and energy healing. I embarked on a marvelous journey attending seminars, workshops and certifications. Often times flying thousands of miles to partake in class filled with a group of strangers in order to learn an energy healing modality.

The pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. Yet the major change and breakthrough came when my Higher Self guided me to learn and experience DNA Activation. This is when I truly started learning the minute details about my Higher Self and my multidimensional anatomy.

My First DNA Activation

Prior to activating my DNA I practiced yoga, meditation, visualization and other forms of energy healing which all produced great results but not the kind of radical change I was looking for. By the way, I am an avid yoga student and I consistently meditate, DNA Activation has only increased the benefits of these wonderful practices.

Anyway, in August 2007 I did my first DNA Activation session and from that moment on EVERY-THING changed!

In the span of a few months I:

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    Dropped Out of College

    After doing a Bachelors in psychology and starting a M.D. it became crystal clear this wasn't in line with my Soul's Purpose. I sat down with my parents and told them "I will no longer study psychology and I will focus on energy healing." In the past I would have never imagined doing this but I realized I was studying psychology because my parents thought it was "acceptable". The feelings of guilt and fear towards my parents were keeping me from walking my own path.

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    Ended My Relationship

    This actually took place a few days after my first DNA Activation in 2007. I received a download from my Higher Self through intuition that told me that if I were to continue in this relationship I would not fulfill my Soul's Purpose and would end up creating a massive amount of karma. After years of trying to get out of this relationship I was finally able to tell partner at the time "I can no longer continue in this relationship. Sorry for all the pain I've caused you and I wish you the best." I never looked back.

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    Started My Healing Practice

    Through the process of DNA Activation and embodying my Higher Self I discovered my Soul's Purpose. My Higher Self also revealed to me that I was an Indigo and that part of my mission was to help heal the Earth's grids. Later that year in 2007 I was already facilitating energy healing sessions. In 2008 I launched my first website and started to make a living facilitating DNA Activations with people from all over the world.

The result from following my intuition, walking my path and taking massive action produced the most exhilarating feelings of personal power. Before my life was ruled by fear, now my life was driven my passion, divine purpose and higher love.

More Brilliant Changes Kept Coming My Way

From 2007 to 2010 I was guided by my Higher Self to solely focus on clearing my relationship slate. Then during the beginning of 2010 I felt a strong intuition that I would meet my true beloved in the coming months. Following this guidance I decided to make a series of manifestations to finally meet the love of my life.

And sure enough, within two months I met Jenn. The crazy part is that my Higher Self actually told me EXACTLY when and where I would meet her. So I did a couple of manifestations and long story short I met Jenn on a Friday night at a yoga studio while attending a Tantra seminar 🙂

I instantly knew it was her when I saw her. This to me is the best result from activating my DNA!

Then 2012 I moved from my home country Puerto Rico to Portland, Oregon. During this time I was guided by my Higher Self to create a portal where I could help people manifest what I call an Ascended Relationship. My relationship journey had gifted me with the experience to assist others transcend the toughest and most detrimental relationship energy blockages.

In 2014 I moved to China. In the beginning I thought it was simply the fulfillment of a lifelong dream, to live in a foreign land and explore a completely new culture. And even though I certainly got to enjoy China as a tourist I was later revealed that we actually needed to go there to perform energy healing on the Earth’s grids.

Then while I was in China I was contacted by the biggest Japanese spiritual company and offered to give seminars on DNA Activation. Without planning on it I found myself working in Japan, where I used to live in a past lifetime 🙂 And even though I had performed massive DNA Activations through webinars with people from all over the world, Japan was the first time where I got to perform a live DNA Activation in a room with close to a hundred people.

In 2017 I married my beloved and moved to Spain where I still live. Last year I became a father to a magical child and I’m so grateful for the amazing life I get to live and the countless of blessings that come my way day after day.

Don’t Get Me Wrong…

In all honesty it’s not like after each DNA Activation things magically appeared in my life, not at all. And it wasn’t like I didn’t had my fair share of challenges, on the contrary I did experience challenging moments and situations along the way but the enhanced connection to my Higher Self allowed me to transcend them with greater ease.

DNA Activation acted as a catalyst, creating an energetic chain reaction that would profoundly transform my:

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    Enhanced the connection to my Higher Self

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    Raised my frequency

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    Expanded my field of awareness

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    Increased my intuition and other higher senses

Combined together these factors made it easier for me to accurately discern the best probable futures and what actions I needed to take in order to manifest that brilliant future.

But it’s not all about the future, the ability to access my Higher Self awareness allowed me to perceive things, feelings, thoughts and dynamics I would not have perceived before.

DNA Activation allowed me to progressively embody my Higher Self and bring the frequency from the higher realms into the 3D. This massive frequency shift created a lifelong ripple effect that magnetized me to a higher grid of people, experiences and states of being.

It’s now been more than 12 years that I have been facilitating DNA Activations. I love facilitating DNA Activations, but what I love even more is teaching people how to activate their own DNA. This is the key to continuously embodying your Higher Self and transforming your life year after year.

That’s My Story But What Is Your Story?

Although there are some common signs when it comes to embodying the Higher Self there will always be unique aspects to each individual. This is what has happened to me so far in the journey of embodying my Higher Self. You might have a similar experience or a very different one.

It all depends on what your Higher Self has planned for you.

What would your life look like and feel like if you were continuously embodying higher and higher aspects of your Higher Self? What would your mission be?

This is the most important question you can ask yourself and there is only one way to find out…do what it takes to expand your bio energetic field so that you can accrete the frequencies of your Higher Self.

In the coming newsletters/blog posts I will be announcing a DNA Activation Certification where I will teach participants:

  1. How to activate their own DNA
  2. How to manifest in line with their Higher Self
  3. How to truly open the heart chakra and create heart resonance

Stay tuned!
