Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

Have you ever known someone that was such a good, kind and open hearted person, yet life seemed to step all over them?

Someone I loved dearly and was deemed by many an angel battled many years with cancer and eventually killed her. Or a close friend of mine who also was regarded as many as a bundle of love and kindness got to experience a horrible divorce and his ex wife took their child to another country.

Maybe you fall into this category, you have the best intentions and would never even harm a fly, but somehow life continues to deliver blow after blow. You may have asked yourself countless of times “Why is this happening to me?!”

Why Sh!t Happens to Good People

I. Frequency

Even super benevolent souls are not immune to past trauma. Most of us have experience horrific and extremely painful traumatic experiences in this and other lifetimes.

Unfortunately most of these traumatic experiences occurred in past lifetimes and now the person is oblivious to the unresolved emotions, the soul fragments and karmic imprints that are encoded in their soul memory. During these traumatic events people often energize very polarizing and low frequency thought-forms.

Imagine someone suffered a devastating accident that left them crippled for life and in massive pain. That person might have easily identified or energized the thought “Life is painful.” These attitudes, beliefs and unresolved emotions become part of the soul memory and are carried through lifetimes, until they can be fully processed and resolved.

You have no idea how many people are carrying energies of pain, victimization and abuse from past lifetimes. Then they incarnate once again and forget what happened to them and despite having the best intentions the frequency of the past continues to magnetize them to people, places, times, things and events that RESONATE with the energy of their discordant emotions, thought-forms and karmic imprints.

The Law of Attraction doesn’t discriminate. In fact this is the number one reason why people who study the Law of Attraction become frustrated, because they are unaware that there are bigger forces at play within them sabotaging their attempts to attract a better reality.

II. Poor choices

You can be the most loving and kind person in the world, but if you make poor choices the Universal Law of Cause and Effect will come into play regardless of how good you are. One example that is ubiquitous is people who make very poor lifestyle and food choices only to manifest a horrible cancer.

They pray and pray for the cancer to go away but their immune system and microbiome have been severely compromised. I have seen people battling cancer and going through chemo drinking Coca-Cola and alcohol and eating all sorts of junk food.

Another example would be a good person who fails to see very troublesome relationship red flags and ends up in a serious relationship that is bound to cause incredible amounts of pain, misery and agony.

III. Awakening

Pain can be one of the greatest catalyst for change and growth. Often life and your Higher Self will send you signs for you to change but if you continue to ignore them eventually life will in someway or another collapse on you causing you a great deal of pain.

At this point it is inevitable (although some people will even ignore such rude awakenings) and the pain felt by the person is so much that they have no option than to gain a higher perspective and change.

Some of the greatest spiritual teachers of our time like Byron Katie, Eckhart Tolle and Neale Donald Walsch have reported battling with deep state of pain, depression and misery prior to their awakening.

I had a similar experience with relationships. Before I met Jenn I had gone through a series of painful, dramatic and highly co-dependent relationships. My heart was broken so many times that I was beginning to give hope on love and the dream I had of manifesting a higher loving and conscious relationship.

The Solution To This Conundrum

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    Raise Your Frequency

    Even thought this might seems obvious it is not that simple. How many people do you know who regularly meditate, practice affirmations, visualize, etc. and they still continue to experience one major challenge after another? Although these tools are great at helping you manage your frequency they rarely take care of some of the biggest energy blockages that are causing havoc in your auric field. This means you have to find a way to PERMANENTLY transmute karmic imprints, auric attachments and unresolved emotions in order to truly change and raise your frequency. The great news is that when you do this then your meditations, visualizations and affirmations will become way more effective and powerful, allowing you to maintain a high frequency state.

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    Make Higher Choices

    Once again this might seem obvious and fairly simple, but if this was the case then everyone would be an expert at making lasting changes in their lives. The key here is to EMBODY your Higher Self so that you can tap into this higher awareness and expand your perception. The choices that are available when you are operating from your Ego consciousness are very limited compared to the choices that become available when you operate from your Higher Self. There are countless of ways to progressively embody your Higher Self. In my experience clearing energy blockages and continuously activating your DNA provide the fastest results.

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    Use Pain To Your Advantage

    Just like sh!t happens, SHIFT happens! Pain is actually an entry point for you to unwind and expand your filed of consciousness. When you have the right tools to process pain, this emotion can become a great portal for higher states of consciousness and change. The problem for many people is that they constantly ask themselves "WHY is this happening to me?" The problem with this type of question is that "why" is based on understanding which is an aspect of the Ego. This focus on the "why" often leaves people confused, feeling powerless and victimized. The need to know can keep you stuck in a karmic loop.
    When it comes to healing understanding is optional. When it comes to pain or any unresolved emotion being able to sense and process the emotion without the story is far more effective for healing.

Final Thought

When someone gets caught up in a series of unfortunate events it’s very common for that person to believe that it’s simply bad luck or that whatever is happening it’s out of their control.

If this is your story then it’s imperative that you realize that you are at some level creating your life circumstances. The Law of Correspondence states “As above so below, as within so without.”

Life is simply a holographic projection of what is going on within you, even at the subconscious level. And one thing you have full control over is what happens within you. By taking responsibility for your inner world and taking massive action to change that, you can ultimately change your experience of the outer world.

We live in a world where sh!t happening is part of the game of consciousness. When life gives you sh!t you have two options:

  1. Cry and complain
  2. Use it as a fertilizer to grow and change

The choice is yours.