One of the most sabotaging archetypes a healer can have is the Rescuer Archetype. Please be aware that almost everyone will have all of the shadow self archetypes and personas to some degree.

The problem with archetypes is when too much emotional energy has been invested in the persona, to the point where there is a strong identification with the thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that rule the archetype.

Here is a brief definition of the Rescuer Archetype:

The behavior of the Rescuer Archetype can be recognized by the person who desires to “fix” everyone. They seem to constantly search for what is “wrong” so that they can feel heroic about “fixing” the other person.

In some cases she notices in him a huge “missing piece” in her life, while he sees the missing piece from his own life in her. This often occurs subconsciously at first. They find they are attracted to each other by these complementary, polarizing frequencies.

Neither feels whole. They spend their time together diligently working on fixing the other…co-dependency thrives! 

Why Is This Archetype So Dangerous For Healers

When a healer has the Rescuer Archetype they will tend to attract people/clients who feel deeply victimized and are therefor playing the Victim Archetype.

Although victims and rescuers attract each other like magnets, they don’t do very well together.

Here is what you need to know about the Victim Archetype:

1) Blames everyone and everything for their unhappiness

2) Uses guilt as a manipulation strategy. They love people who pity them as this is one of the ways they get their energy.

3) Because they don’t take responsibility for their life circumstances they tend to reject any tools or resources that would help them get out of this karmic loop.

And these characteristics are a recipe for disaster when engaging with someone who has a rescuer archetype.

First of all, rescuers will often have unconscious guilt which usually comes from past lifetimes. One of the main drives for them to help others is that by helping others they get to experience a relief from the pain their unconscious guilt is causing them.

This guilt is like nectar to victims, they can use it for endless manipulation. The rescuer on the other hand feels the need to help, “fix” and rescue the poor victim. At first everything appears fantastic because both are getting their energy fix, but it’s only a matter of time before this ticking time bomb explodes.

Now you have someone who wants to help and fix another person who doesn’t want any help, they are only after the rescuer’s attention and their pity.

Eventually the Victim gets annoyed by all the attempts being made by the rescuer to fix and change him/her. Because the Victim doesn’t really want to change they blame the Rescuer for their unhappiness and tell the Rescuer how their help is “not working”.

At this point the Victim will often lash out and become the Victimizer.

This dynamic can lead to a lot of drama and usually leaves the Rescuer feeling exhausted, especially if they have open portals (which almost all of them do).

Finally the Rescuer gets frustrated and angry towards the Victim and they also lash out, only to create more feelings of guilt and start the Rescuer-Victim cycle once again.

My Story Dealing With The Rescuer Archetype

I used to have a deep identification with the Rescuer Archetype. Like many challenges in my life, the Rescuer Archetype was a blessing in disguise.

In the beginning this archetype became a driving force in my journey to help heal others and “save” the world. Because of this I embarked on a deep journey about self-mastery and healing.

I wanted to become a full time healer and do what I loved for a living.

My wishes came true but little did I know that the Rescuer Archetype would become a great obstacle in my healing practice. Twelve years ago when I launched my first website I was super excited to start doing sessions on other people.

However, I soon noticed a pattern. I was attracting a lot of victims who at first seemed eager to do a session but got limited results because they were not willing to take responsibility for what was happening in their lives or take action to change it.

But it wasn’t all them, I was attached to their results and I was doing sessions with the intent to “fix” and change them.

My ultimate desire was to work with people who would take full advantage of the tools and resources I was providing. I realized that I still needed to work on my own victimization and the rescuer archetype, so I did just that.

After I had worked diligently to clear the source of these archetypes I was blown away by the radical change my healing practice experienced:

1) I began attracting more responsible and empowered clients

2) No longer I felt that I needed to fix, rescue or save others. I was only a facilitator and my clients needed to meet me half way. By giving my 100% I knew that the results they experienced were due to how open and how willing to take action they were.

The best result that came about transcending this archetype was that the Tao principle of “there is nothing you need to do” became my reality. My inner peace no longer depended on outside circumstances like the state of the world or my client’s results.

I could meet anyone and no matter how many issues or troubles they shared with me I saw no need to fix or change them beyond what they were willing to heal and change. Those who were ready for change would ask for my help and I would happily be there to assist them.

To my amazement, the more that I detached from the need to fix others and their results, the more my clients started to report life changing breakthroughs and healings.

Rescuer Archetype in Relationships

Another area where the Rescuer Archetype is cause for great concern is relationships. Let’s take for example intimate relationships.

If you have the rescuer archetype, what type of relationship do you think you are going to attract?

A very codependent relationship and possibly with a person who feels very victimized. And throughout the relationship you are going to spend great amounts of time trying to fix, change and save your partner.

Instead of being a beloved you will become their coach and/or their healer. This is a very dangerous entanglement as it tends to kill passion and intimacy. It’s ok to grow and evolve together but you don’t want to be your partner’s coach or healer.

What happens in 99.9% of the cases where we want to change other people? It doesn’t work.

Relationships like this are filled with drama and rescuer-victim dynamics. Neither person feels whole and eventually both parties end up with massive pain and feeling drained until they break up.

And then there are family relationships. In our journey to awakening we experience life changing revelations and if we have the rescuer archetype our impulse will be to share these with some of our family members.

However, we are often met with resistance. And instead of seeing this as a clear sign that that family member is not ready for this information, the Rescuer Archetype will relentlessly try to save them with his/her new found knowledge, tools or resources.

Benefits of Fully Transcending The Rescuer Archetype

If you are a healer, clearing the Rescuer Archetype will become one of the most life changing and empowering things you can do.

First you will better maintain the integrity of your energy field by no longer trying to fix and solve other people’s problems. This will result in a greater sense of inner peace and overall well being. Usually people feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted of their shoulders as they let go of the “responsibility” to save others and the world.

As your personal power increases you focus on the only person you can help, yourself. This then becomes a magnet that attracts others who are truly ready to change and heal. You no longer have to seek them, they come to you and everything flows within the frequencies of personal power, accountability and interdependence.

If you are in a relationship then you will be able to truly see your partner’s perfection which includes all their “flaws”. Finally unconditional love can be experienced as you love them in the NOW, instead of loving the potential of who they could become if they changed what you perceive to be “wrong”.

The relationship also become lighter. You no longer feel responsible for your partner and this allows them to rise up to their own personal power. Of course you will be there to offer help and support, but not to “rescue” or “save” them.

Clear Your Shadow Self Personas and Archetypes

The Shadow Self Integration Mastery Certification is a 3 part advanced training on how to transmute and integrate the Shadow Self. This healing certification is part of the In-Light-Ment 3.0 Rishi Level.

The Rescuer Archetype is just one of more than a dozen archetypes that we will be clearing during this training. Here is the list of some of the other archetypes we will be working on:

1) The Ultimate Innocent

2) The Professional Victim

3) The Terrorist or Diplomat

4) The Perennial Martyr

5) The Absolute Perfectionist

6) The Emotional Cannibal or Creator

7) The Compulsive Destroyer

8) The Obsessive Projectionist

9) The Wizard or The Sorcerer

10) Greater or Lesser Tyrant

11) The Sybarite

12) The Liberator or The Warden

You will learn the minute details of each archetype and how they negatively influence someone’s consciousness and reality. This will allow you to correctly identify aspects of these archetypes on yourself and others.

Remember, almost everyone will have traits and energies of each archetype to some degree. But usually a person will have 2-4 major archetypes that are sabotaging their life.

Integrating your Shadow Self is one of the most important things you can do in order to embody your Higher Self.

The Shadow Self will distort your perception and interpretation of reality, ultimately keeping you stuck in an Ego driven consciousness. If you want to see, feel and perceive reality from your Higher Self’s point of view you must transcend your Shadow Self.

You can learn how to transmute all the archetypes and personas that make up the Shadow Self by taking the  Shadow Self Integration Mastery Training and learning how to transmute archetypes and their thought-forms using the Shadow Self Integration Harmonic Resonance Code.

Looking forward to helping you integrate your Shadow Self!

Founder of In-Light-Ment
and Ascended Relationships


1) Is there a prerequisite for this training?

A: No, you can participate in this training without having taking any other trainings with me. I will teach you everything you need to know in order to effectively transmute DNA blockages and karmic imprints related to the Shadow Self via your Higher Self.

2) Will I be able to facilitate this work for others?

A: Yes, this is a certification training. My intent is to empower you to do this work for yourself and others. You will learn how to effectively identify and clear more than a dozen Shadow Self archetypes and personas for yourself and your clients.

3) How much is the investment?

A: The investment for this training is only $396. It’s part of the Rishi Level, however if you would like to only take this certification then please send me an email.

Depending on how much you charge for your sessions, you can easily recoup your investment by facilitating 3-6 shadow self integration sessions or even 1 webinar/workshop on this subject.

4) When is the training and how long will the training be?

A: It’s a 3 part training and each training session will be 90-120 minutes long. You’ll have lifetime access to the recordings.

5) What will I learn in this training?

A: You will learn the minute details of how energy blockages are created, the different types of shadow self personas and how to identify them in people. You will also learn how to sense energy, utilize energy directing techniques and of course the energetic blockages that spawn the Shadow Self.

6) What is included in the training?

A: Three training session recordings and a PDF with all the information so you can study the material. Plus you’ll get the Harmonic Resonance Code for integrating the Shadow Self as well as a new code to EMBODY and EXPRESS your LIGHT-SELF.

And of course the recording of all 3 training sessions so that you can re-watch and study them for years to come.

7) How do I register for the live training?

Please click here to register.