Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

When you think of your mind, what exactly do you associate as your mind with? For most people the mind is seen solely as the rational mind or their thoughts. But this represents only ONE level of your mind.

You actually have 15 different levels of mind. Three of these levels correspond to your Ego and the rest belong to your Higher Self. In order for you to unplug your mind from the 3D matrix you need to ascend ALL the levels of mind that are currently stuck in the first 3 frequency bands of this 15 multidimensional time matrix.

The Ego is the part of you that is stationed in dimensions 1-3 and is composed of three different levels of mind: your physical body, your emotional body and your mental body.


In order to rise above the matrix frequency fence you must cleanse yourself from the things that are in one way or another limiting your consciousness. Since the physical body is your first level of mind then it makes sense to take good care of it. If you don’t think the physical body is that important when it comes to ascension then I highly recommend you read this blog post.

1st LEVEL OF MIND – The Body

Ascending from the matrix does not mean transcending the body, but rather bringing transcendence into the body. Your physical body is your spirit’s home in this particular space/time incarnation and its what allows you to have this unique experience that we call being human.

The body is extremely important and failure to take proper care of it will greatly hinder your experience of this reality and your ability to embody the Life Force Currents from your Higher Self.


Currently many of our food sources have been compromised by the use of genetic modification, pesticides, herbicides, factory farming and more. The original divine blueprint of food represents the alchemical transmutation of the elements into a source of nourishment for humans and other living species.

The more processed a food is the more it will lose the Life Force Energies from the Sun, the Earth, water and air. Upgrade to organic foods and/or locally farmed foods as much as possible. Even better, grow/forage some of your own food. Aim to make at least 30% of your diet come from raw fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds and herbs.

If you eat meat try to reduce your meat intake to 1-3 days a week. Meat consumption causes inflammation and you want to avoid things that cause inflammation to your body as much as possible. If you are a certified Soul Alchemist Level I Practitioner use the Karma Transmutation Harmonic Resonance Code to clear any karmic imprints from your food.

If you resonate with going vegan that is great. Whatever lifestyle you incorporate just make sure you don’t get caught up in the polarity based consciousness of self-righteousness, judgment and separation. Source gave everyone free-will, so make sure you honor and respect other people’s free-will, including their food choices. Embody your truth and let your presence, your vitality and outstanding health speak for itself. Those who are ready will come to you for answers and guidance.


Get yourself a good water filter. Tap water is filled with all sorts of chemicals, plastic nano particles, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals and more. I use a Berkey Filter and it works great. You’ll save a lot of money and avoid consuming more plastic.

And make sure to infuse your water with Life Force energies to your water by:

  • Blessing your water
  • Adding Himalayan sole
  • Or adding lime or lemon juice


Completely eliminate or greatly reduce:

  • Alcohol
  • Pharmaceutical drugs (please consult your physician to come up with a safe plan on how to do this).
  • Tobacco


Even if you upgrade to organic foods the truth is that our soils have been depleted of many minerals through excessive monoculture type farming. This is where supplements come in and help you compensate from the essential nutrients your food might be missing. Click here to see my favorite supplements which I personally use.

And then there are mushrooms. Mushrooms are karma-free beings as they do not kill any life form in order to survive. Without them life on Earth as we know it would not be possible. There are some mushrooms that are highly medicinal and nourishing.

I personally recommend Chaga and Reishi for the immune system and Lion’s Mane for optimal brain health.

2ND LEVEL OF MIND – The Emotional Body

In our society we are mainly taught how to suppress and resist our emotions. Yet when e-motions are suppressed they create stagnated fields of unprocessed Life Force Energy. Ultimately these emotions create what is know as the emotional pain body, an energy field made up of past pain that acts like an energy vampire by taking over you and causing you to react with fear, pain, anger, disappointment, etc.

The pain body feeds from DRAMA. And as long as your emotional body is in a re-active mode you will be constantly pushed and pulled by it, attracting people, places, times, things and events that resonate with your unresolved pain. Each time you react from the emotional pain body and you are not able to process your emotions you will add a new layer of unresolved energy to it.

And guess what is the best tool to process your emotions…your physical body. Each emotion creates a feeling/sensation in the body that when it is properly felt (without any resistance) the energy contained within those e-motions flow through the physical and energetic bodies until a shift/expansion of consciousness happens.

Practice whatever healing techniques you have at your disposal to help you process emotions and transmute the soul fragments associated with them.

3rd LEVEL OF MIND – The Analytical Mind

As you work on yourself you will go through a process of discarding outdated belief systems, attitudes and ways of thinking. However, it is very important to install NEW and HIGHER frequency thoughts into your mental body.

The best way to do this is by reading books from people who have already attained a higher level of thinking. Please visit this page to view my personal life changing book recommendations.



Being in a wage slave job is one of the things that keeps most of humanity stuck in the matrix. Manifesting abundance is a crucial step when it comes to unplugging your mind from the matrix. Eventually our financial system will be radically transformed but until then the reality is that money exists and in order to play the game of consciousness in our current society, money is a necessary tool.

Abundance gives you opportunities and better access to quality food, medicine and places where you’ll enjoy a more desirable way of living. Plus it gives you more time to enjoy this beautiful world and the people you love. Getting to spend more than half of your life inside an office while working for someone else’s dream takes away one of the most precious gifts you were given, freedom to do what you love.

Furthermore, constantly worrying about money puts you in survival mode and it affects how your brain works. Instead of accessing your Pre-Frontal Cortex and enjoying the creative thoughts that your Higher Self is constantly sending you, worrying activates your deep limbic system and floods your body with cortisol also known as the stress hormone.

Never have we lived in a time where the opportunities to manifest abundance are so vast and easily available. Just with the internet anyone has access to unlimited amounts of information and people. Ideally you want to create at least 2 to 3 sources of income so that you don’t put all your eggs in one basket.


Another thing that keeps a lot of people tied to the matrix is their unresolved karma with family members. Do anything and everything you can to transmute and resolve your family karma.

Energy Healing and DNA Activation

One tool that can positively affect all levels of your mind is energy healing. Whenever you can successfully transmute the soul fragments, karmic imprints, unnatural implants, auric attachments and other energetic blockages commonly found on people, you will instantly change and raise your frequency.

Some of these energetic blockages accumulate so much etheric mass that they end up manifesting as dis-eases at the physical level. Furthermore, most of them contain unresolved emotions and negative thought-forms that sabotage the proper function of your emotional and mental bodies.

These low frequency energetic blockages tend to magnetize you to the people, places, times, things and events that resonate with them, keeping you in a karmic loop. They also repel you from the brilliant outcomes and opportunities you are constantly trying to manifest in your life.

Use any tool you have to permanently transmute and unwind energetic blockages from your bio-energetic system. Make sure you clear auric attachments, karmic imprints and integrate your shadow self.

Then there is DNA Activation. This process is the key to connect to and embody your Higher Self. The main reason why people are stuck in their Ego consciousness and can’t connect to their Higher Self is due to blockages on the 4th strand of DNA.

Your 4th strand of DNA is connected to your heart chakra and astral mind, and it represents the first level of mind from your Higher Self. In order to ascend from a 3D based consciousness and access your Soul Identity (located in dimensions 4-6) then you must activate the corresponding strands of DNA that connect you to your Higher Self.


Enlightenment doesn’t care how you get there. There are infinite paths to enlightenment and not everyone will walk the same path.

Honor and respect other people’s free will choices. Remember that they are individuations of Source playing a game of consciousness and through their experience they are fulfilling Source’s desire to experience itself in infinite ways. That includes the experiences of greed, control, manipulation, separation, competition, etc.

Don’t get caught up in the game of “Us Vs. Them”, embody your Soul’s truth and become a pillar of light. And make sure to enjoy this epic movie that we call life 😉