Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

Have you ever wondered why you experience INNER conflict when it comes to making decisions you KNOW for certain are best for you?

Or why sometimes despite all your efforts you can’t seem to get out of dysfunctional patterns that occur in different areas of your life: health, relationships or finances?

Well, that is because everything that is manifesting in your life is manifesting from certain energy fields INSIDE of you, like programs running in the background, and these energy fields have a certain frequency that attracts you to the EXACT same frequency of people, places, times, things, and events.

These twisted energy patterns inside of you are mainly made up of KARMIC IMPRINTS.

This Sunday at 2pm Eastern Time I’m going to be hosting a FREE webinar called Karmic Imprint and Shadow Self Mastery Training. In this online seminar you will learn:

1) The true definition of karma (the myths and misperceptions).

2) Learn exactly WHEN, HOW and WHY karma is created and WHERE is this energy stored.

3) How karma operates within the Universal Laws.

4) How to finally clear your ENTIRE karmic slate

5) How to avoid WALKING all your karma and prevent getting stuck in reincarnation

6) The minute details of your Shadow Self and its archetypes, personas and complexes

7) How to become immune to karma

And of course we will be doing a live karmic clearing for all participants on one of the most debilitating and personal power draining archetypes of the Shadow Self.


The replay will only be available until Tuesday May 8, 2018.

I promise you this will be the most comprehensive and in depth training on karma you’ve ever attended.

Looking forward to having you on the webinar!

Gustavo Castañer

P.S.: If you desire to evolve, raise your frequency, and attract new people and higher frequency OPPORTUNITIES into your life, then you must learn how to master your karmic imprint.