Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

According to scientific research 40% of your happiness is derived from your day-to-day behavior and the way you think about yourself and others.

If you have read my article on 5 Steps to Authentic Happiness you know the exact proven techniques that when applied consistently will significantly amplify your level of happiness.

If Happiness Is That Easy, Why Is Everyone Not Happy?

You would think that people who find the recipe for happiness would immediately implement all the steps and take massive action to become happier, right? After all isn’t happiness what all humans are ultimately striving for?

Well the truth is that most of us get stuck in endless cycles of bad habits and poor outcomes even when we have all the information and tools we need to breakthrough them.

I’ll give you an example, do you think anyone smokes cigarettes because they have never heard of how cigarettes can cause lung cancer?

You have probably heard someone else telling a smoker about the scientific research that shows how smoking can cause lung cancer. But I bet you didn’t see that person immediately throw away their cigarettes and say “I’ll never smoke another cigarette again!”

The problem isn’t really knowing “what” to do, it is actually doing it.

Yet despite having access to the exact proven techniques that are guaranteed to raise the level of happiness of any person, some people have unconscious patterns that sabotage all attempts to become authentically happy. And ultimately they end up procrastinating when it comes to doing what needs to be done in order to become a happier person.

3 Main Reasons Why People Don’t Do What It Takes To Be Happy

There are 3 main reasons why people won’t implement the recipe to happiness even when given to them for free:

1) The Sadness Connection:

There are people that when you ask them about their joys it bring them straight to sadness. There is nothing wrong with this, yet it is a pattern.

Most of us have learned to connect with others through pain and we create pain even when it is not there or it isn’t necessary. This is because problems are the biggest addiction in humanity.

We have created subconscious patterns that keeps us in an endless state of pain and suffering because deep inside we fear that we will lose that connection with others if we become authentically happy and finally heal our pain.

2) Story Identification: 

Others have become very attached and identified with their stories. Stories that have been made responsible or become the reason of why they are unhappy: “Nobody loves me.”, “I am alone.”, “I don’t have enough money.”, “I was abused.”, “My father abandoned me.” etc. And even though some of these stories are true most of them happened in the past and are now sabotaging that person’s present moment.

Even a story like “I don’t have enough money.” which can be true in the present moment can often continue to run in the person’s mind even when the circumstances have changed and it is no longer true.

The reason why it is so difficult for people to drop their stories and actually do what it takes to become happy is that if they were to do so, it would mean they would have to accept that they can no longer use their stories of pain to connect with others.

Furthermore it would mean that they are entirely responsible for their own happiness and they would have to own this knowledge and act accordingly, for many this is way too out of their comfort zones.

3) The Energetic Source

Then there are people who have energetic blockages and energy dynamics like the inner critic, auric attachments, energetic cords with other people, blockages to self love, etc. that prevent them from taking action and choosing to be happy HERE and NOW. Most people have all 3 patterns.

Ultimately no one can’t stop you from being happy but yourself. You are the one who must diligently, patiently and persistently practice the steps, rituals or habits that will lead you to happiness.

What then stops you from taking massive action and manifesting authentic happiness? Common blockages that keep people in a karmic loop and prevent them from manifesting lasting happiness are:

– The inner critic and its diminishing/limiting thoughts

– The shadow self (self-sabotage)

– Past painful experiences and the emotional pain body

– Subconscious beliefs and stories that we hold on to

– Entanglements with other members of their family constellation

Additional Happiness Factors

So what else can determine our level of happiness?

Scientists say your genetics are responsible for 50% of your happiness and what this means is that your level of happiness will be greatly determined by what you inherited through the DNA from your parents and ancestors.

This makes a lot of sense since many people will often walk their parents karma and end up having a similar level of happiness to that of their parents.

Through blind love and hidden loyalties individuals can even feel guilty if they turn out to be happier than their parents, ultimately sabotaging their happiness in order to honor their parents by subconsciously saying “I’ll be as happy or as sad as you are/were and in this way I’ll honor you.”

We know that we can actually clear inherited karmic imprints in the DNA with the assistance of our Higher Self. This means that by following the 5 Steps to Authentic Happiness, clearing the source of discordant thoughts about ourselves and by clearing DNA blockages that prevent us from being happy we can leverage up to 90% of our happiness.

The Broken Formula For Happiness

Unfortunately we have erroneously learned from society that the source and wealth of happiness is dependent on general circumstances. For this reason most people try to leverage their happiness based on general circumstances like their education, level of income and social recognition.

The problem with making general circumstances the determining factor of your level of happiness is that according to scientific research this area only accounts for 10% of your happiness.

Another problem is that as humans we quickly get accustomed to outward manifestations like more money, so once we manifest a certain amount of money we immediately raise the bar and want to manifest more.

If you experience a sudden increase in joy because you have manifested a new job, after a couple of months you’ll go back to your “normal” level of happiness or sadness. That is why it is so important to make happiness your #1 goal and then project this onto your business, relationships and others areas of your life.

Unleash The Happiness Blueprint

In order to unleash the Happiness Blueprint that is encoded in your DNA you must REVERSE the broken formula of happiness that you have been conditioned to believe in by focusing on the core foundations of authentic happiness.

When you become genuinely happy your general life circumstances like your relationships, businesses and learning abilities will improve and grow massively.

Right now you can study, practice and start to embody the 5 Steps To Authentic Happiness. These steps are completely free and can be done by anyone. And by diligently practicing these steps you will be able to leverage 40% of your happiness.

And forty percent is a LOT!

What About The Other 60%?

According to scientists the remaining determining factors that make up the other 60% of your happiness are:

1) Your genetics:

You genetics are responsible for 50% of your happiness. Through the science of epigenetics we have learned that we can change the expression of our DNA. 

2) General circumstances:

Another 10% of your happiness is attributed to general circumstances (education, level of income, where you live, etc). 

Now, if you want to leverage the additional 60% and take FULL control of your happiness then you must energetically clear all the DNA blockages that are programming you for pain, sadness and misery. For example you must clear soul fragments and karmic imprints related to:

  1. Unworthiness
  2. Shame and guilt
  3. Low self-esteem
  4. Hatred, grudges, judgment and resentment
  5. The emotional pain body
  6. Toxic cords of attachments with other people
  7. Victimization
  8. Inherited karmic imprints

All these energy blockages and more can be cleared when you sign up for the In-Light-Ment 2.0 Membership. By combining the 5 Steps To Authentic Happiness with In-Light-Ment 2.0 you will be leveraging 90% of your happiness blueprint.

And because you will be changing and raising your frequency, the remaining 10% will be bound to change as you attract a higher grid of people, places, times, things and events.

Benefits of Embodying A State of Authentic Happiness

By raising your level of positivity your brain will experience what researchers call the Happiness Advantage: when your brain is positive it performs significantly better than it does during periods of negative stress.

When you have the Happiness Advantage your intelligence, creativity and energy levels rise. In fact every single business outcome improves because your brain in a positive state is 30% more productive, allowing you to work better, faster and more intelligently. When you are positive dopamine floods your brain making you happier and turns on all the learning centers in your brain.

When you are happy your relationship blossoms because you are constantly in a peak state and open to novel experiences, attentively listening to your partner and truly engaged with them.

Ultimately happiness will bring out who you truly are and unleash your infinite potential.