Cut Cords of Attachments Training

FREE Training and Healing Session To Clear Cords of Attachments That Are Holding You Back

The label of energy vampires is often given to people who in one way or another sap your energy.


At some point in our lives we all have met this person with whom we end up feeling drained after being with him or her for a while. Whether is something that they do, something they say or simply their emotional state, they tend to trigger a negative reaction within you.

Even after removing yourself from their presence you might feel that your energy continues to be depleted as you now find yourself thinking about them and their problems.

People who are labeled energy vampires often love to vent and share all their emotional conflicts, drama and personal challenges.

Energy vampires can be found in our family, workplace and in our intimate relationships.


Energy vampires usually love talking about their problems but what they don’t like is for you to offer a solution or fix their problem. They love complaining about everything and always blame other people or outside sources for their own problems and feelings of unhappiness.

Drama is where they thrive and they tend to be super needy.

For other energy vampires is all about control. They seem to sap your energy resources by constantly trying to control your life and tell what you “should” or “shouldn’t” be doing.


People who fit into the energy vampire category have an arsenal of strategies to extract your energy. Some of the most common ones include:

1) They pretend they want your help and advice but they never change

2) They want you to feel pity for them, this is one of their favorite energies to siphon.

3) They use guilt to manipulate and control you “Look at all I’ve done for you!”. Those favors they have been doing for you are not for free. When they give you something is usually in the hopes to later on ask you for something compromising and use this as leverage so you can’t say no.

4) They look for ways to create drama and conflict in order to trigger an emotional reaction from you.

These strategies will inevitably drive you crazy until finally you lash out with anger and attack them. Their response to your attack will be feeling extremely hurt, to such a degree that you will most likely feel guilty for reacting with such anger.

And once again they have you exactly where they want you to be, feeling guilty and feeling pity for them.

This karmic loop can become an endless cycle if you don’t decide to step up and take the necessary action to clear the SOURCE of the energetic blockages that are magnetizing you to this person and these inharmonious dynamics.

Remember in order for you to attract a person like this and have these negative reactions there is something inside you that RESONATES with their energy and allows the energy vampire to drain you.


There are certain energetic blockages that make it possible for an energy vampire to siphon your life force energy.

PORTALS: portals are one type of auric attachments which look like vertical openings in the auric field. Portals act like a vacuum. These portals are usually created during very intense traumatic and painful experiences.

A very common scenario where you can create a portal is when you see someone you deeply love is in immense pain. What usually happens is you unconsciously open a portal in order to extract their pain in an attempt to make it go away. When you do this you are playing the rescuer.

People who are born healers, empaths or are deeply compassionate can easily create portals because they want to help the other person in distress.

The problem is that this type of healing doesn’t work because you are extracting a foreign energy that is toxic to you and you are robbing the other person from processing his or her own pain.

At best portals offer a temporary relief for the other person yet once portals are open they remain open unless you know how to close them. And for this reason there are great deal of people going through life with one or multiple portals, extracting all kinds of energies from people, places and events.

CORDS OF ATTACHMENT: cords of attachment are energy structures that connect two people and contain the energy of a past event. Once these etheric cords are created, they will connect you to that person regardless of distance or time.


Depending on the type of event where the cord of attachment was created and the emotions and thought-forms associated with it (abuse, control, betrayal, rejection) these energies will continue to be exchanged between both parties.

However, there is usually one person who tends to extract energy through the cord while the other one tends to end up feeling depleted and emotionally exhausted.

THE EMOTIONAL PAIN BODY: the emotional pain body is a field made up of old unprocessed pain. This pain and its corresponding thought-forms accumulate in the etheric body and create a personality (almost entity like) from our past.

This personality, which is mainly made up of painful thought-forms and emotions, will come out and manifest itself during similar painful situations. Each time making the field of painful energy grow and the personality become more solidified.

The emotional pain body loves to feed from other people’s pain and it’s an expert in triggering other people so that it can cause a negative reaction and get the pain it needs to grow.


Of course it helps tremendously when you energetically clear and disengage portals, cords of attachment, the emotional pain body and the karmic ties you have within you that allow energy vampires to siphon your energy. But there is still ONE CRUCIAL STEP left

You have to question and transcend the belief that another person can be an energy vampire and extract your energy.

When you believe other people can be energy vampires and that they have the ability to siphon your psychic energy, there is another troubling subconscious belief behind this and that is that someone actually has THE POWER to take your energy.

This belief places you as a VICTIM and it robs you of your personal power every time you blame someone else for how they “make” you feel.

There can’t be a TYRANT (energy vampire) if there is no victim.

How other people treat you is THEIR karma, how you react is YOURS.” – Wayne Dyer

The ultimate remedy from becoming immune to energy vampires is to take full responsibility for how you feel, embody a state of personal power AND raise your frequency. When you do this you will become the master of your emotions and your auric field’s integrity.

Take a look at the picture to the left. There you have Buddha in the midst of a sea of chaos, distractions and all sorts of negative energies being projected at him. Yet despite his outer circumstances he is in such a state of peace and equanimity that no-thing can compromise his enlightened state.

Do you think Buddha would invest his focus and energy in labeling other people as energy vampires? These masters where showing us the way to everlasting peace.


People who are considered energy vampires are simply people who deep down inside feel they LACK love.

They are desperately trying to seek love, approval and appreciation outside of themselves. But this is never enough and so they continue to extract energy in whatever way possible they can think of in order to fill that endless void.

They have given their power away and chosen to become weak. And through this weakness they have found another energy source: pity from other people.

Instead of feeling pity for energy vampires they require to be shown true-higher compassion. How does higher compassion look like?

  • Telling them you will no longer engage in their blame game dynamics
  • Setting up healthy boundaries
  • Allowing and honoring that person’s free will choices without feeling like you have to change, heal or fix them
  • Sometimes it even requires letting them go, this helps them wake up and take responsibility.

But remember, even if you do everything you can possibly do to set healthy boundaries or even if you dodge or avoid energy vampires but you haven’t still cleared the energetic blockages within you or question the belief that someone has the power to extract your energy, you will still have a frequency encoded in your field that resonate with this dysfunctional dynamic and will continue to magnetize you to them.

And you know the old saying…whatever you resist, persists! Are you resisting “energy vampires”? Do you still have unprocessed energy blockages in your bio-energetic system that resonate with them?

If you answered yes, then you must change and raise your frequency by clearing the energetic blockages and subconscious beliefs within you that RESONATE with the “energy vampire” karmic loop.


The video below is from a previous Facebook Live stream where I talked about energy vampires. It has additional insights, examples and questions from several participants.