Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

While my wife was pregnant a few months ago we noticed a strange pattern. Random women would approach Jenn, engage in conversation about her pregnancy and a big percentage of them felt compelled to share the traumatic experiences they had while giving birth.

Many of these women shared their stories in excruciating detail. And it was easy to tell that they were re-living the experience by the look on their faces and their body language. I could sense the trauma, the unresolved emotions, the soul fragments, the karmic imprints and the negative thought-forms that haunted these women.

At first I was kind of angry and annoyed that women would share their traumatic and painful experiences with a pregnant woman who was soon to go into labor. I kept asking myself “How can they not be conscious that sharing a birth related traumatic experience with a pregnant woman might create a fear response or even condition the pregnant woman to have a similar experience?”

However that anger quickly turned into empathy and compassion. Little did I know that my Higher Self had a bigger plan in mind and I was to find a new mission through this entire pregnancy and birthing process (more on this later).

The Birth Trauma

Does birth need to be a traumatic experience? The answer is absolutely no.

Yet the reality is that a very high percentage of women experience some kind of trauma while giving birth. For many going into labor and giving birth turns out to be an experience filled with fear, anxiety and sometimes even with a sense of powerlessness.

For thousands of years humans have given birth in the safety of their homes and villages. But then modern medicine stepped in and took control of the birthing process and started marketing it as the safest and most responsible place to give birth in.

But is this true, are hospitals truly the safest place to give birth in?

The Hospital Birthing Process

We have come to idolatrize doctors and modern medicine, but to what expense?

One of the things most people don’t realize is that hospitals make the doctor the number one priority during the birthing process. Everything in the birthing room is designed to make the process as smooth as possible for the doctor, not the mother.

Take for example the “classic” birthing position that you see most women adopt while giving birth at a hospital. Despite telling you not lay on or sleep on your back during your entire pregnancy, the first thing they want you to do when you get to the hospital is to get in bed, on your back so they can hook you up to monitors to make sure everything is ok.

However, that position really serves one purpose, that the doctor and nurses have the most comfortable view and access to the women’s vagina. But for the soon to be mother it’s actually the worst position to be in while giving birth.

The World Health Organization has called use of the lithotomy position “clearly harmful,” and recommended that it be eliminated. Studies have shown that when you put someone flat on their back, you are now decreasing the size of their pelvis by nearly 20%, but you are also constricting blood flow which could lead to fetal distress, as well as taking away the power of gravity.

Why is it then that we continue to practice things that have been clearly shown to hinder the birthing process?

Aren’t hospitals supposed to be following and practicing the latest scientific research? It’s shocking to see how many things are done in hospitals that have little to no benefit for the mother and baby.

Stripping Away Female Empowerment

Giving birth can be one of the most empowering and transcendental experiences a woman can have. It is truly a miracle and a reflection of how we all come from ONENESS with the Divine Mother into manifestation.

In hospitals however this experience has been turned into a medical procedure where the body’s intelligence is completely neglected and the comfort and safety of the mother is completely irrelevant.

Giving birth takes its time and the women’s body must be honored. More often than not, allowing the body’s intelligence to dictate the birthing process and guide the woman and baby will produce a wonderful birthing experience.

Yet the process has been designed in such a way where the woman needs to surrender to the doctor and do whatever the doctor says. And because being born has turned into a business they want this process to be over as soon as possible.

+ “Water hasn’t broken yet? We will break it for you.”

+ “Baby isn’t coming out. Let’s use forceps or a suction device to get him out.”

+ “It’s taking too long. Let’s do a cesarian.”

Don’t get me wrong. Modern medicine does have it place and many of these procedures are sometimes REALLY necessary and end up saving lives. But at the rate that they are being done it is easy to tell that in most cases they are completely unnecessary and even more harmful than helpful.

The Dis-Ease Implant

When you think of a hospital, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Probably where people who are sick go to get treatment, have surgery or where many go to await death.

Then why on earth do we as a society continue to have women give birth at a place that is filled with harmful germs, bacteria and viruses from sick people. Wouldn’t it be logical to have a completely different and separate institution for women to go to when they are in labor?

A place that the main focus is LIFE, not sickness and death.

But this is all engineered to make humanity belief at a subconscious level that giving birth is a dis-ease, that it’s dangerous and requires medical intervention. They want you to believe that doctors supersede your BODY’S INTELLIGENCE and thousands of years of women wisdom.

The mother and child are imprinted with the notion that they must follow and obey the system, because “their lives depend on it.”

Experience A Healing

Throughout my wife’s pregnancy and the birth of my daughter I was shown just how deep the birthing trauma is affecting humanity. And after months of messages, synchronicities and guidance my Higher Self inspired me to create an event where people could experience a RE-BIRTH and heal the wounds of birth.

On October 11 at 1pm Eastern Time I’m going to be hosting a FREE live webinar where I will guide participants through a HEALING VISUALIZATION to re-pattern and energetically heal their birthing process.

It is outstanding how many people are carrying deep subconscious fears, anxieties and pains from their birth.

Did you know the reason why many people feel disconnected from Source is because they experienced an abrupt separation from their mother at the time of birth?

Imagine what would happen if you could reclaim that connection to SOURCE and the Divine Mother. An incredible sense of peace, safety and love would flow through you at all times.

What You’ll Experience

During the webinar I will share with you:

  1. Many shocking truths about birth and the effects certain birthing practice have on health, learning and overall wellbeing.
  2. How to have a safe birth
  3. The type of blockages that can spawn during the birthing process
  4. Our own personal birthing process and how some things didn’t go as planned.
  5. A guided visualization and energy healing session to help you experience a RE-BIRTH.

This guided visualization will have a positive and healing ripple effect that will transform your entire multidimensional awareness.

Please click below to register for this life changing webinar:

Looking forward to witnessing you being born in the frequencies of safety, love, joy, wonder and health!

