Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

The spiritual community is filled with websites and social media accounts that are heavily focused on how humanity is being controlled, manipulated and sabotaged.

Conspiracy theories abound as to who is behind the enslavement of humanity, with the cabal and fallen alien races being the most common focus. Is there is some truth to this? Yes, there is a hidden agenda (not so hidden anymore) to sabotage the conscious evolution of humanity and the Earth.

However the study and focus of this topic is a double edge sword.

Are You Woke?

It is quite common for many of these websites and social media pages to constantly write articles and social media posts that expose the hidden agendas and atrocities perpetuated by the cabal. By uncovering and exposing this information they feel they are awakening to a deeper truth and by sharing that information they are helping others “wake up.”

And to a degree this is true, there is a level of awakening when a person discovers the hidden agendas that are at play on this planet.

BUT, if one’s focus remains on this topic for too long there is a deeper enslavement of consciousness taking place: FEAR and VICTIMIZATION. Just notice how you feel when you read about how humanity is being controlled, manipulated, kept sick and poor.

Do you feel empowered and at peace or do you feel angry, abused, disgusted, fearful, etc.?

Most likely you will experience a series of low frequency emotions and thought-forms when consuming media about war, famine, weather control, debt, corruption, pollution and sickness.

Don’t get me wrong, there is great value in becoming aware of these things but if your anger, frustration and pain aren’t transformed into passion and inspired action as to what you can do to transcend these very same things within you, then the knowledge that is supposed to “awaken” you will instead keep you in a frequency fence of fear and victimization.

They Did This To Us

The underlying imprint when it comes to these conspiracy theories and facts is “They are doing this to us.” Then the mind that hasn’t been mastered will immediately fall into a trap of blaming the tyrant for the state of humanity and planet Earth.

But in order for a tyrant to exist there must be victims who are at the mercy of such a tyrant. These polarizing frequency dynamics can only exist together. Take away the victim and the tyrant ceases to exist.

Defense is the first act of war.” – Byron Katie

When you blame the government, the cabal, an alien race or whatever outside source is “causing” your state of unhappiness then you are actively giving away your personal power.

Think about this, do you believe that you can be at peace and experience enlightenment with the world in its current state or do you feel that all the things that are “wrong” with this world must be fixed first for you to experience immutable happiness and peace?

If your sense of happiness and peace depends on the outside world changing then you will be forever hopelessly waiting for things to change. However, if you embody a state of peace and happiness REGARDLESS of what the state of the world is then you will have successfully moved humanity one step closer to world peace.

World peace cannot happen WITHOUT inner peace.

Now, this does not mean that you will sit on your couch meditating and drooling all day in a state of bliss. Inner peace is one of the most powerful and inspiring forces that drive you to take inspired action.

  1. Want to end world poverty? Embody a state of wealth consciousness and help others transcend poverty consciousness.
  2. Want to end world sickness? Embody a state of health and nourish yourself with sustainable sources.
  3. Want to end conscious enslavement? Embody your Higher Self, develop your higher senses, meditate and ascend in the now.
  4. Want to end world pollution? Detoxify your body and become a conscious consumer

The power lies within you. You have all the resources to make the necessary changes within and without, but you must start within. Otherwise change that is primarily focused on the outside without doing the proper inner work will never lead to a permanent change.

The Deeper Problem

Individuals who fall into the conspiracy theory tyrant-vicimization-blame game will project this onto their holographic reality. Consequently they will find themselves being victimized and blaming other people for their unhappiness: friends, family members, co-workers, strangers and spouses.

Then it will be easy to fall into other spiritual bypasses and karmic loops like energy vampires and psychic attacks.

How people treat you is THEIR karma, how you react is YOURS.” – Wayne Dyer

The moment you make a commitment to take full responsibility for your experience of reality you become a response-able individual. You are no longer at the mercy of what others say and do, including the cabal.

Remember, when someone “attacks” you they are showing you what they need to work on and heal. How you react to what they are doing or saying will show you what you need to work on.

In fact, anytime you become triggered you can see this emotional trigger as an ENTRY POINT to heal, transcend and expand. Soon enough you can find yourself in a state of equanimity and unbent peace.

And it gets worse…

When you constantly identify with and energize emotions like anger, hatred and fear you are going to attract one of the worst auric attachments there is: discarnates.

Discarnates are beings that have died but haven’t gone through the tunnel of light or the Plane of Bliss yet. They are stuck on the astral level (4th dimension). Discarnates attach to people that are currently incarnated in the 3D, either because of past karmic ties to the person OR simply because they are siphoning that person’s emotional energy.

When you constantly energize discordant emotions you can attract discarnates that resonate with that energy.

Unfortunately the frequency of many conspiracy theories is filled with fear, hopelessness and victimization. And discarnates love these frequencies.

The reason discarnates haven’t successfully gone through the tunnel of light and witness their life review is because they are still very attached to unresolved emotions, karmic ties and behaviors they experienced during their last incarnation.

When it comes to unresolved emotions, discarnates are emotional addicts. But because they don’t have a body they must attach to someone who has a body so that they can experience the emotion through that host and use the emotional energy emanated by the host as their “food”.

In order to get their fix they constantly project negative thought-forms to their host which more often than not cannot differentiate these thought-forms from their own thinking. The result is that the person then reacts to these thought-forms with more fear, anger, frustration, etc. and the discarnate continues to siphon this discordant emotional energy.

For example have you ever said something to your spouse or partner that you didn’t know WHERE IT CAME FROM? Or have you ever just blown up and reacted wildly for no reason? That is when a discarnate has become ACTIVE in your field.

Discarnates are also notorious for sabotaging the connection to a person’s Higher Self. When the person hears voices, it is the voices of the discarnates, NOT the Higher self.

When they are gone, we can feel more freedom from their influence and more peace of mind. In other words, their “voices in our head” are now gone.

That being said please do not fear discarnates, they can’t harm you as they don’t have a body. They are simply annoying but pose no real danger. You can learn how to remove them and help them get to the Plane of Bliss.

Tips To Transcend Victimization and Embody Personal Power

  • 1

    Change your language

    Your words are mathematical sound programs that influence your inner and outer reality. Instead of saying things like “It’s his/her fault” to “S/he is responsible.” Or even better look how you are responsible for co-creating that reality and change what is necessary within you.

  • 2

    Avoid consuming media that heavily focuses on conspiracy theories/facts.

    Chances are you already know enough in order to take inspired action, change within and become a frequency pillar of light. Make a commitment to consume books, articles and videos that focus on strategies of empowerment and evolution.

  • 3

    Respect and honor other people's free will

    As individuations of Source we are ALL given free will to play ANY game of consciousness. This is SOURCE-WILL, and when you align with the notion that every-thing is in Divine Right Order and in Divine Right Timing then all you can see are children playing different games. Source is REALITY and at a level Source is choosing to play the cabal game of consciousness. If you go against reality and resist reality you are going against Source-WILL and this will only cause pain and suffering. This is a great opportunity to practice unconditional love and further open your heart chakra.

  • 4

    Don’t blame others and stop using guilt to manipulate others.

    Anytime you blame someone you are giving away your personal power. Remember that people are who they are and do what they do, you can only control what you do and how you react.

  • 5

    Take full responsibility for your happiness.

    Co-dependency is created when we make others responsible for our own happiness. When you look for approval, appreciation and love outside of yourself you will get caught in energy vampire like games, constantly trying to extract from others what you feel you lack. Become the source of these things and constantly practice and cultivate self-love.

  • 6

    Transmute karmic imprints and soul fragments related to victimization, fear and co-dependency.

    If you are a Soul Alchemist Level I practitioner use the three Harmonic Resonance codes to clear all soul fragments and karmic imprints related to victimization. If you are a member of In-Light-Ment 2.0 set the intent to transmute and transcend victimization prior to doing the session, focus mainly on clearing auric attachments, karmic imprints and shadow self personas.


Are Conspiracy Theories/Facts Useful?

Like I mentioned before there is a level of awakening the can occur when a person begins to realize how certain groups are desperately trying to control and manipulate society.

This knowledge can be a powerful catalyst for change, contribution and inspired action. But if one remains stuck or even obsessed with what is being “done to” humanity the outcome can be devastating to one’s personal frequency and mental/emotional/spiritual health.

Once you become aware make a commitment to focus only on what you can do to change/raise your frequency and inner reality. Then you will be in a state where you can better help others by modeling the higher ways of being, thinking and feeling.