Cut Cords of Attachments Training

FREE Training and Healing Session To Clear Cords of Attachments That Are Holding You Back

Intuition is one of the most underrated higher senses there is. Although higher senses like clairvoyance and clairaudience can seem more powerful, intuition is my higher sense of choice when it comes to making decisions in line with my Higher Self.

All the most monumental and powerful manifestations of my life have been the result of following my intuition:

  • Meeting my wife
  • Finding my Soul’s Purpose
  • Achieving financial freedom

Having clear and strong intuitive skills can completely transform your life. So if you want to develop better intuition then practice the simple techniques explained below.


In order to understand how to ask better questions let’s first examine the importance of asking questions and what questions NOT to ask.

Your brain is like a search engine, more powerful than Google. Every time you ask a question your brain will give you an answer by showing you past experiences, belief systems, projections from other people, etc.

Even if you have not had an experience related to your question, your brain will come up with something and give you a list of results, kind of like when you type the wrong word or phrase in Google and you get “Did you mean…?

What type of questions not to ask

Have you ever asked yourself the following question?

“Why is this happening to me?!”

When you ask this type of question you’re brain must give you an answer, even if it has to make it up. The question here is focused on the problem or challenge and therefor the brain will search for things, people or events that might have “caused” this problem.

By trying to look for the source of the problem the brain will project the blame either on you or someone/something else. For this reason this type of question can easily lead you to a state of self-diminishment or victimization.

Another question that you should definitely stop asking yourself is: “What I’m I doing wrong?”

Once again this question is focused on the problem/challenge. The brain MUST give you an answer and it will seek whatever it can find to answer this question and show you what you are doing “wrong.” If there isn’t any real evidence the brain will make up the answer.

This question will most likely produce feelings of low self-esteem, low self-confidence, guilt, shame and diminishment.

Upgraded questions

Instead of using the questions listed above try the following question: “How can I use my intuition, focus, intent and strong determination to solve this problem or achieve my desired outcome?”

Can you notice the difference? First, this question has a more empowering frequency and feel to it. Second the question is focused on the solution instead of the problem.

The key is to use skills or positive mindsets when formulating this type of question. Remember that whenever you ask a question your mind-brain MUST give you an answer based on the parameters you have set up.

Write down a list of positive attributes or skills you possess. If there is skill or attribute you think you currently don’t posses then ask a question to manifest it. For example, “How can I use my self discipline to enhance my intuition or manifestation skills?”

Want to manifest more money? Then don’t ask yourself “How can I manifest more money?”

This question is too broad. And because it is not specific as to what amount of money you desire to manifest, you could end up manifest one more dollar and that would suffice because one more dollar is more money than what you previously had.

Instead ask yourself: “How can I manifest $10,000 (or whatever amount you desire) or more every month in line with my Higher Self?”

With this question you now have a specific amount and you are even open to manifest more. This is extremely important because your Higher Self can manifest in ways that your Ego can’t even imagine or even think are possible.

Another great question would be: “How can I use my resourcefulness to manifest another source of income and achieve financial freedom?”

When you ask these higher frequency questions your brain will search and find relevant results. And remember, even if there isn’t any real evidence you’ll brain will still come up with something to deliver your search results. In this way you can re-program yourself to previously unknown possibilities.

Upgrading your questions will not only sharpen your intuition but it will also amplify your manifestation skills.


An even more powerful technique is using positive wonder statements. So instead of asking “How can I achieve financial freedom?” try the following:

“I wonder what it might be about having an abundance of money constantly flowing into my bank account month after month.” Or “I wonder what it might be about doubling my yearly income.”

The wonder statement is different from the upgraded questions in that it doesn’t try to be too specific and instead leaves a room for the unknown. Energetically the wonder statement creates a VOID of unlimited potential within your energetic field which the universe MUST fill.

When doing wonder statements you want to avoid visualizing the desired outcome. Rather you want to gently focus on the feeling(s) and sensations the wonder statement produces within you. Then you allow your body to sense and process that e-motion (energy in motion). When done correctly the wonder statement and the sensation it produces will lead you to an open and dynamic state of expansion.

Other examples of wonder statements:

  • “I wonder what it might be about having an accurate and clear intuition.”
  • “I wonder what it might be about this particular problem coming to a peaceful and harmonious resolution.”
  • “I wonder what it might be about being in a conscious, loving and passionate relationship.”

Practice, practice, practice

These two powerful techniques are skills in their own right. The more you ask upgraded questions and use wonder statements the better you will get at coming up with the perfect wording.

With enough diligence and relentless focus soon you’ll find yourself doing these techniques automatically. Replacing bad old habits of asking poor questions and staying focused on your problems.

Give them a try and I promise you’ll be amazed at the results.

