Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

During my private sessions I often get to hear new clients tell me:

“But I’ve worked on myself soooooo much!”

Then they proceed to tell me all the different healing modalities, visualizations, affirmations, sessions, etc. they have done in order to transcend or get rid of that particular sabotaging pattern.

Trust me, I get it.

It can be excruciating to spend so much time and effort working on something only to discover you are not done yet.

Not only have I seen this in my clients but I have also experienced this myself.

Despite having a phenomenal healing modality, a strong determination and a powerful intent you might be asking yourself “Why then can’t I finally get to the core of that annoying issue?!”

The Reason Why Some Issues Seem To Never Go Away

Even if you have spent 10-20 years diligently working on yourself, this is nothing compared to the amount of lifetimes you have lived.

Take a guess at how many lifetimes you think you have lived? Maybe 30, 50 or 200…

Not even close.

You have most likely lived thousands of lifetimes. And some of these issues that you are currently stuck with are issues that you have carried in your soul’s memory for hundreds of lifetimes.

Each lifetime that you fail to fully transcend the issue and clear the energy blockages that spawn the issue, is another lifetime of EMOTIONALLY CHARGING that issue.

The more psychic energy you give to an issue, through identification and emotional reactions, the more etheric mass accumulates in your auric field and the more solidified the issue becomes.

Clairvoyantly this looks like murky sometimes gelatinous-like concentrations of energy in your auric field. The energy becomes stagnant and impedes the dynamic flow of life force energy throughout your bio-energetic system.

The frequency of these energy blockages cause a great deal of problems.

For example they will magnetize you to the people, places, times, things and events that resonate with them (Law of Frequency Resonance). Leading you to co-create events and scenarios where you will continue to DRAMA-tize the issue and thus add more psychic energy.

Yet the biggest problem is when they have accumulated so much etheric mass that they end up manifesting as a ruinous dis-ease.

The Onion Analogy

Many energy blockages and karmic patterns are like an onion. They have many layers which you need to PERMANENTLY* peel off before you can get to the CORE.

Even though it would be phenomenal to completely clear an issue in just one session the reality is that you wouldn’t be able to unwind so many discordant magnetic fields all at once nor could you accrete so much light during such a short period of time.

Your Higher Self knowns this.  This is why during sessions frequently the Higher Self of a client will tell me “That’s enough clearings for today, s/he must integrate this work before more can be done.”

After multiple energy clearings you will receive a download of new cords, new templates and new soul programing from your Higher Self. This download contains the golden nuggets of wisdom that you require to assimilate in order to make different choices and change your probable future timeline.

After receiving this download and embodying the new wisdom you will have successfully increased your light-frequency holding capacity.

Only then will you be ready to clear the next deep layer of that issue. You must continue this process until you finally get to the core.

You’ll notice that depending on the issue some issues will be easier to fully transmute than others. It all depends on how much etheric mass and layers that specific issue has.

The Issue I Thought I Would Never Transcend

Everyone has one or two issues that no matter what you do it seems to never end. It could be feeling unworthy, feeling disconnected, dealing with betrayal or victimization.

For me the most enduring and challenging issue was achieving financial freedom and embodying a state of wealth consciousness.

I literally spent more than 9 years working on myself, almost daily, in order to fully transcend poverty consciousness and manifest a life bursting with abundance.

I must have done hundreds of clearings and sessions on myself. At first it was disheartening every time I thought I had cleared my poverty consciousness only to later succumb to the fear of not having enough money or losing money.

Despite my frustrations I persevered and I was diligent on achieving my goal. Once I let go of my attachments and expectations to results I began to see that I was indeed making progress and moving forward.

It became a snowball effect. At first I could barely notice the changes but after a while I was being propelled by a higher and unstoppable force.

Today my Higher Self effortlessly guides me to the people, places, investments and opportunities that create a life of abundance. I am truly living the life of my dreams where I get to do what I love for a living, have multiple sources of income and I get to provide for my family.

Best of all I get to spend time with my wife and my daughter instead of being stuck in a 9 to 5 wage slave job.

Other issues were easier for me to overcome and change. For example:

  • It took me 2 and half years to manifest my beloved. We have been together for eight years, we are happily married and just became parents to a wonderful little angel.
  • It took me a few months to find my Soul’s Purpose. I have been fulfilling it for over 10 years now and it keeps evolving.
  • Other issues I have literally been able to clear them in only one session, like the fear of being betrayed.

Some issues are easier than others depending on your history.

The reason I share with you this is that for you an issue you are dealing with may seem overwhelming. Yet if you diligently work on yourself I promise you success is inevitable.

Remember that for every grain of sand you move (every soul fragment, karmic imprint or blockage you clear) the ENTIRE DUNE is in motion. It might seem like a small change but the dune will never be the same. And after a while the change will be so drastic that when you look back the landscape will be completely different.

Let yourself evolve in Divine Right Timing and Divine Right Order.



*unfortunately not all healing modalities have the same results. If you don’t clear something at the quantum level of your awareness, meaning that the blockage was cleared on ALL levels of your auric field, then the blockage/issue will most likely re-generate. In order to get to the core of the issue make sure your healing modality achieves a permanent transmutation of that layer you are working on. Otherwise you will stay stuck on the outer layers and make no progress.