Higher Self Guidance Session

FREE Manifestation and Healing Session to Upgrade Your Higher Self Guidance

When you are about to incarnate you are presented with different lives or “avatars” you can choose from.

Each life has a different set of circumstances, events and opportunities that match your current level of evolution and it also includes what you are required to heal, process, learn and experience in order to continue evolving.

And the last time you went through the process of incarnation, YOU CHOSE this particular life you are living right now.

You chose your current family, this particular era and all the events that have transpired and will transpire in your life. 

The only thing that is not pre-determined is how YOU will react when those circumstances and life events unfold.

Parallel Universes and Probable Futures

Not everything is set in stone, rather there are different timelines or probable futures you can tune into depending on how you choose to react to the events you had previously chosen to experience.

This is where you get to practice your free will and experience the Universal Law of Cause and Effect.

This means that each event has the potential to branch off into another timeline based on how you experience, process and ultimately what you choose to do, to think, to feel and/or become once the event has taken place.

This is the realm of parallel universes and parallel lives 🙂

Mind blowing, right?!

Why This Is Important and How You Can Use It To Your Advantage

When you understand that everything that is happening in your life is something you have ALREADY chosen then there is very little room for victimization 😉

Life is not happening to you. Instead life is happening FOR YOU.

Of course, it’s easy to feel victimized by life or God when you have forgotten that you were the one who chose your life circumstances in the first place.

Victimization keeps you stuck in a timeline where life seems to be out of your control and you are at the mercy of other people, the government, the economy or even God.

This part of the Shadow Self makes it extremely challenging to transform your life. However, if you are able to heal victimization at the CORE LEVEL then changing your life or tuning into a more desirable probable future is way easier.

50 Shades of Victimization

Victimization is one of those gifts that keep on giving. My wife Jenn refers to this pattern as 50 Shades of Victimization.

Many people report that when working on and healing victimization there was a time when they thought they had finally mastered or transcended victimization.

But then later on life surprised them and they got to discover yet another level of victimization!

The truth is that the program of victimization runs extremely deep in the human psyche. So much that it has become a universal archetype ingrained in the collective consciousness of humanity.

We have all experienced horrible and sometimes terrifying events in this and past lifetimes where we felt victimized.

During those events we unconsciously created:

1) Soul fragments and identities of victimization

2) Karmic imprints of victimization

3) Subconscious beliefs of victimization

How To Tell if You Still Have Layers of Victimization?

Below is a list of statements for which you need to answer “yes” or “no” if you currently feel/think this way.

1) You blame other people for how you feel. Other people make you feel angry, sad, stressed, overwhelmed, etc.

2) You sometimes ask yourself “Why is this happening to me?”

3) You blame the government for the quality of your life


4) You blame the economy for the quality of your state of abundance

5)  You are a victim of psychic attacks or spells.

6) The negative projections from other people are causing misfortunes in your life


7) The cabal and/or fallen races are preventing you from awakening.

8) You complain how things are in this reality. For example “Why do I need to work or make money?” “There shouldn’t be any wars.”

9) You hope that aliens or some advanced civilization comes to our rescue.


10) You can’t wait to ascend and leave this world.

11) Can’t understand why manifestation/healing techniques work for other people but they don’t work for you.


If you answered yes to any of these statements then it means that there are still layers of victimization you can heal and transcend.

The number of statements you answered YES to will determine how heavily energized your victim identity is.

However, you might have answered YES to only one or two statements and think that you have little victimization left in you. But if those statements that you answered YES to are things that drive you nuts and cause you to get very angry or sad, then these might still represent deep layers of victimization.

Embody Your Full Personal Power and Magnetize A Brilliant Probable Future

Healing and transcending victimization at the CORE of your consciousness is one of the most life transforming things anyone can do.

When you live from victimization life seems out of your control, you blame the outside world and other people for your unhappiness and misfortunes.

When you live from personal power life becomes a blanc canvas and you are thrilled by the infinite opportunities that are within your reach.

That being said, transcending victimization can be quite challenging. The nature of the program itself makes it very hard for you to get rid of it.

The best way to heal and transcend victimization is by:


1) Transmuting karmic imprints related to victimization

2) Transmuting soul fragments related to victimization

3) Integrating your Shadow Self, more specifically the Professional Victim Archetype

4) Changing your subconscious programming or belief that says “I’m a victim.”


On May 10th, 17th and the 24th I will be hosting the Shadow Self Integration Mastery Certification Training.

In this training I will be facilitating a series of energy clearings to transmute all the blockages that spawn the Profession Victim Archetype plus more than 20 other Shadow Self Archetypes, Personas and Complexes.

And this year my wife Jenn will be performing a Psych-K balance for each participant in order to reprogram the root subconscious belief of victimization.

Imagine what life will be like when at the subconscious level you believe “I AM POWERFUL and I have everything I need to change my reality.”

To reserve your spot please click here: SHADOW SELF INTEGRATION CERTIFICATION

There are no prerequisites for this training.

Join me and a group of committed healers and learn how to master your Shadow Self and release thousands of lifetimes worth of blockages. When you learn how to energetically integrate your Shadow Self you will progressively allow your LIGHT SELF to blossom and you’ll get to experience a more harmonious reality.






1) Is there a prerequisite for this training?

A: No, you can participate in this training without having taking any other trainings with me. I will teach you everything you need to know in order to effectively transmute DNA blockages and karmic imprints related to the Shadow Self via your Higher Self.


2) Will I be able to facilitate this work for others?

A: Yes, this is a certification training. My intent is to empower you to do this work for yourself and others. You will learn how to effectively identify and clear more than a dozen Shadow Self archetypes and personas for yourself and your clients.


3) How much is the investment?

A: The investment for this training is only $497.


Depending on how much you charge for your sessions, you can easily recoup your investment by facilitating 3-6 shadow self integration sessions or even 1 webinar/workshop on this subject.


4) When is the training and how long will the training be?

A: It’s a 3 part training and each training session will be 90-120 minutes long. If you can’t attend the live sessions don’t worry, you’ll have lifetime access to the recordings.


5) What will I learn in this training?

A: You will learn the minute details of how energy blockages are created, the different types of shadow self personas and how to identify them in people. You will also learn how to sense energy, utilize energy directing techniques and of course the energetic blockages that spawn the Shadow Self.


6) What is included in the training?

A: Three training session recordings and a PDF with all the information so you can study the material.


Plus you’ll get the Harmonic Resonance Code for integrating the Shadow Self as well as a new code to EMBODY and EXPRESS your LIGHT-SELF.

And of course the recording of all 3 training sessions so that you can re-watch and study them for years to come.


7) I won’t be able to attend all 3 sessions, can I still do this training?


A: Yes, you will receive the recording for each training session. You can study and practice what was covered before attending the next session. Even if you can’t attend any live session you can still sign up for the training, however if you can do whatever is possible to attend live.


9) How do I register for the live training?

Please click here to register.





Hello Gustavo,

I’ve done 4 karmic clearings so far  I have two that I’ve gotten very good feed back from. 

Client one has issues with her brother and him manipulating woman she feels a lot of anger towards him and emotions get triggered from his actions. I cleared her of all top priority karmic imprints then cleared relationships karmic loops of betrayal  we also cleared abandonment and rejection issues she had towards her brother and herself after she turned her back on him and cleared resentment towards her husband for forcing her to cut her brother off. I cleared family karmic dynamics of emotions triggered by her brother when he manipulates woman and leaves her to clean up his mess.


We also cleared a lot of other issues depression hatred etc. client stated she could help but cry and felt something being pulled off her body a week later she emailed me to tell me how much better she feels and has referred several clients to have a karmic clearing 

Client #2  this one was on a man name _____ who has alcohol and drug addictions, his wife left him and has been super negative and angry towards people and his family according to his brother is in an out of jail and in trouble constantly.


I cleared karmic imprints then cleared several relationships karmic loops. Then focused on self sabotage and self destructive karmic loops, I also cleared vows of suffering, and removed several entity and spirit attachments that carry programs and imprints of addiction to alcoholism and drug addiction. I also did a soul retrieval, I cleared mental state karmic loops of depression anger and hatred. Followed by a family karmic clearing.

Only issue I had was that his brother stated that he also has a drug and alcohol addiction and that their father had same issue wasn’t sure how to clear the family karma that seems to be passed down from the father can you provide some guidance on what to do or how to clear that. 




Hi Gustavo!


I have been doing quite a few sessions removing all the karmic imprints which I realized were imprinted in me as a child by my mum like feelings of shame, unworthiness, undeservedness, fears, comparing me with her friends’ children , n oh so many other imprints.


The clearing was real heavy n felt very emotional n teary throughout. However at the end I suddenly gave her an etheric hug n thanked her for taking care of me despite all this for I realized she was a fractured soul too at that time. She has Long passed away but I felt her presence in the room when I clearing . After that I just sent her to the light n could feel she was no longer here. 


Felt so good and so light after after that. Hope I’m doing it the right way. 

Hello Mr. Castaner,

I had an auric clearing and karma removal session with my niece.
During the session, I felt strong energy in my whole body.  My niece felt also strong energy, especially her arms. 
Also, she said that her body felt lighter when I was doing her family karma removal.  She had difficult relationship with her father, so I think that the karma removal influenced the relationship with her father.
The difference between her pre-session and post-session that she was able to get up early in the morning herself. She was not able to get up early herself, but from the day after the session, she was able to get up herself!  
I was very surprised at her change. 
Thank you for training us.
The above is the feedback for both auric clearing and karma removal session.
Thank you very much.
M. M.