After writing about the difference between Karmic Relationships Vs. Higher Loving Relationships I got an email from a subscriber with a great question:

Could twin flame relationships or soulmates relationships also become karmic relationships? If so, doesn’t that make all relationships karmic relationships?”

The answer to the first question is YES and the answer to the second question is NO.

Are All Relationships Karmic Relationships?

The fact is that most relationships have some kind of karma that requires to be worked on, healed and transcended. However, just because two people share karma doesn’t mean that the relationship is a karmic relationship.

Karmic relationships are relationships in which the frequency of karmic imprints becomes the determining factor that attracts two people and later create the dysfunctional relationship dynamics that sabotage the relationship.

Usually twin-flames and soulmates are mainly attracted to each other through what are called Spiritual Ties and the frequency of their Soul Mission. These ties are high vibration and brightly colored ties that connect two souls with the frequencies of love, compassion, kindness, wisdom and sacredness.

That being said twin-flames and soulmates will most likely have karmic ties and cords of attachments that might potentially sabotage the relationship.

Twin-Flame Relationships Gone Wrong

The internet is filled with stories of twin flame relationships that end up in disastrous ways. If two people are attracted by Spiritual Ties and their Soul Mission but fail to work on their karma they might end up creating MORE karma.

Eventually the karmic imprints can overshadow the frequency of the Spiritual Ties and end up taking over the relationship dynamics of such relationships.

At this point the relationship has turned into a karmic relationship, but because they are twin-flames or soulmates the intensity of this karma is like 10 times the intensity of any other relationship. The inability to clear the karmic imprints, cords of attachment and other energy blockages that are causing discord in the relationship might result in the failure of the Soul Mission they were supposed to fulfill together.

What If My Twin Flame Doesn’t Want To Do The Work

Regardless of whether your twin flame is willing to do the necessary work or healing, it is best if you work on yourself and clear as much of the karma that has been activated throughout the relationship.

The reason for this is that if that person is really your twin flame then you will surely meet again in this or another lifetime. By then if you have worked on yourself you will no longer project your own baggage onto that person and both of you will not be reacting to the karma you had been carrying.

Even thought the other person might still be carrying their own karmic baggage, because now you are clear of your karma then you will be in a better position to help that person transcend THEIR karma.

You ability to remain in a state of harmony and equanimity will prevent you from getting caught up in the drama and instead become a clear mirror for that person to awaken.

A Clear Mirror

You’ve probably heard that other people can act like a mirror. Romantic relationships are no exception and when it comes to twin flames and soulmates, the power of that mirror is magnified.

Souls like these come into your life to help you grow and evolve. One way they do this is by reflecting what YOU need to work on.

Every emotional reaction or trigger within you that is apparently being caused by that other person is truly an entry point for you to heal, unwind and clear.

How people treat you is their karma. How you react is yours.” – Wayne Dyer

Before meeting Jenn I became obsessed with clearing my energy field of auric attachments, karmic imprints and other energy blockages. This process is what allowed me to change and raise my frequency so I could finally resonate with her and co-create an ascended relationship.

But that was only the beginning. Once we started dating and throughout the years of our relationship more things have come to the surface for the both of us. Thankfully we have an arsenal of tools and resources to transcend whatever issue comes our way.

Yet the energy clearings have been a vital and crucial tool in the evolution of our relationship. I sincerely believe that without energy work our relationship wouldn’t be what it is.

The reason I know this is that if I go back to the beginning of our relationship and then review each year, I’m honestly astonished of how progressive and how deep the transformation has been. To the point where I sometimes hardly recognize myself and some of the patterns, attitudes, thought-forms and feelings that would rule my life back then.

In a way is like we have upgraded our souls, we have become different but only by expressing more of our essence and less of the personalities that once veiled that essence.

Find The ONE, Be The ONE

Ultimately the most important relationship you have is the relationship you have with your-SELF.

You are the ONE.

The key to vibrationally resonating with an ascended relationship is to EMBODY the ONE-Source within you. And the best way to do this is to become as clear as possible.

The light-er you become the more expanded your field becomes and the more LIGHT you can accrete. When you are fulfilled, happy and in love by your-self that is when you are truly ready to enter a higher loving relationship.

This conscious light and frequency accretion where you continuously attain higher levels of consciousness is what ultimately allows you to manifest more brilliant realities.

In our upcoming webinar Find The ONE, Be The ONE we will be assisting participants clear the top karmic imprints and energetic blockages that sabotage relationships.

Blockages like:

1) Co-dependency

2) Guilt

3) Betrayal

4) Chemical love addictions

5) Cords of attachments

6) Relationship karma from this and other lifetimes

7) Love and hate karmic loop

8) The emotional pain body

And most importantly of all we are going to be working a LOT on the heart chakra so that you can have a harmonious, open and balance heart. This is the key to attracting a relationship that vibrates with higher self love.

The intent is to help you CHANGE and RAISE your relationship frequency so that you can finally resonate with and consciously create a relationship that is in line with your Higher Self.

Are you ready to be the ONE? Are you ready to meet the ONE?

If you have answered YES to both these questions then join us in our upcoming live webinar.

Much love and respect,

Gus and Jenn